Chapter 4: Knight in Shining Armour

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"Wait, stop. I' m not edible. I'm not delicious at all. Stop!" Lucy yelled frantically.

"You cannot trick me human, " the monster said and opened his mouth wider. He pulled and lifted Lucy high into the air and dropped her down; ready to gulp her.

"No!!!! Anyone, please help me!" She yelled as she closed her eyes. Then she remembered him as she was about a few inches from the monsters mouth. "Loke......" she screamed hoping that he would hear her.

She was expecting herself to be instantly coated by monster drool but instead, she felt a familiar warmth surround her. She felt a familiar fabric as well. She opened her eyes to see an angry Loke glaring at the ugly monster. She smiled in relief.

"YOU DARE TOUCH LUCY!" Loke roared.

"Loke, please calm down." Lucy chided. She is not used to seeing Loke with an angry expression.

"I'm sorry. Are you alright? I heard you call my name. Sorry if I'm late" he said with an apologetic look.

"I'm fine. You're just in time. You actually appeared right after I utter your name. Thank you for saving me." Lucy said with a smile; relieved that she was not consumed.

"I see. Our love has really grown stronger that it can bring me here in a second. I don't mind being dragged from different worlds if it is for you Lucy. I will gladly be your night in shining armour! " Loke said with his usual flirting smile together with a sparkling aura and a dreamy look.

"Loke, this is not the time to flirt." Lucy chided. "And you can put me down now."

"As much as it pains me, you're right. We still have an enemy to fight." He gently lowered Lucy to the ground and prepared to fight.


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