Chapter 47: Hurtful Words

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''It's Prince Zafir,'' Loke said with hateful eyes. Lucy covered her mouth in shock. Loke had been feeling down for several days due to that prince? Of all people why would he treat Prince Zafir as a love rival? Lucy recounted what happened.

''As I thought,'' Gray remarked as he ate a doughnut.

''So he had been so jealous and depressed for days due to a love rival. Poor Loke, he must have been really hurt. I understand how he feels,'' Juvia said sympathetically.

''But your case is different to Loke's,'' Mira said. ''You have a long list of love rivals. While Loke never considered anyone as his love rival. He rarely gets jealous. Actually this is the first time he sulked due to being jealous. Even during the times when Lucy slept with Natsu or Gray he did not even say a thing. Ooops.'' Mira realized she have said something Juvia did not need to hear.

Juvia looked shattered. ''L-Lucy have slept with Gray-sama for several times???? Love rival! Love rival!'' She glared at Lucy. Gray sighed.

''There must be something about the Prince that made Loke count him as a worthy love rival. He was always confident about himself,'' Erza added.

''What do you mean by that?'' Natsu and Gray balled their fist as they glared at Erza. She ignored them.

''How would undignified men count?'' Cana sighed.

''Maybe he thought of the Prince as someone of Lu-chan's type of men,'' Levi joined in.

''Perhaps, and I felt like there is something he did not tell us about what happened last time,'' Cana said as she got another barrel of booze. Among the people in the guild, Gray and Cana are closest to Loke, second only to Lucy.

They continued listening to the two. They saw Lucy point a finger to Loke as she realized what must have been bothering him.

''You have been thinking of the things I've said that time didn't you?''

Loke scratched his head. She finally got it. He did not just think about her words. It resonated through his whole being. Those words had broken his heart that it felt like those words sucked out the life out of him. ''That's largely a part of it.''

Lucy sighed. He really took it seriously. ''Snap out of it will you? Those words would really hurt if you kept on overthinking it.''

Loke looked down. Did he just overthink it? Well yes and no. Lucy looked so serious when she said those. Of course it would pierce the Lion's heart. Loke once again heard her words in his mind and it made him twitch in pain.

Their guild mates watched with wonder. What could have Lucy said to hurt Loke that much?

Lucy read through Loke's facial expression that he is once again thinking about what she said that time. She had asked him not to hurt Prince Zafir. It must have really been hard for the Lion after personally hearing the prince insult her. She knew how devoted to her this silly Lion is.

After preventing Loke from hurting the prince, Lucy had also said in front of the Lion that she would have loved to be by Zafir's side if only she had not been touched by another man yet. She even said things like being worthy and the honor thing whatsoever. She had said it right in front of Loke that she would have never surrendered herself no matter what happened, if only she knew that Prince Zafir still desires her. That must have hit the proud Lion really hard.

Lucy mentally slapped herself twice. She even addressed Zafir with ''my prince''. She wanted to puke when she remembered that. She stared at Loke. She realized how hurtful those words are to her dear proud Lion. Those words that she have said was like saying that she loves Prince Zafir and that she was choosing him over this stupidly sensitive Lion.

Who is the man that first touched her? That made her unworthy to be the prince's bride? Of course it's Loke; during that first night in the isolated island. And have had Lucy said that she would have surrendered herself no matter what if that had not happened. She mentally slapped herself again. How could she say that straight with Loke around?

That would mean letting Loke suffer in excruciating pain while he was drugged. That must be what really hurt Loke. That she would choose letting Loke suffer to be worthy of the trashy Prince's offer of marriage. She did not mean any of those words but she had pretended really well, that she looked serious about it.

Lucy held Loke's chin and tilted it up. She looked at him in the eye with her face so close to his. ''Do not look so down like that. It does not suit you. You should always have this chin up my proud Lion,'' she said.

Loke's heart skipped a beat at her words. 'My proud Lion, she just said' he repeated in his mind. He mentally made a back-flip. It's like her saying he is hers made him proud again. He cannot stop himself from smiling even just from those three words. Those possessive words just healed his heart. He wanted to punch himself from being so shallow and easily wooed. But he is glad that the pain is not there anymore. It is really hard when it is your first time to experience emotions you never had before.

His smile eased the guilt Lucy felt. She returned his smile with one of hers.

Next Chapter: Convincing Powers

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