Chapter 38: Boredom

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Lucy is slumped on one of the tables in the guild. ''This is so boring,'' she grumbled. She is not in the mood to go to work and it seems that the other members of their team feel the same. They must have gotten exhausted of going on hard missions lately. They need rest too despite their monstrous powers.

''Lucy let's go and play hide and seek in the forest!'' Natsu called out of the blue after getting tired of mimicking Plue's actions.

''Aye! Let's catch fish.'' Happy joined in.

''How old are you to be playing something like that in the forest?'' she said to Natsu. ''Fish are not caught hanging in trees,'' she said to Happy.

''But it's enjoyable. You will encounter lots of monsters,'' Natsu said.

That made Lucy shiver and said, ''in that case I really don't want to go.''

''Were heading out then,'' Natsu said. And to Happy he whispered with a grin, ''she must have gained weight again that she cannot move around.''

''Aye!'' Happy answered.

''I can hear you!'' Lucy yelled at them.

''She's angry cause it's true,'' Natsu and Happy chimed. Lucy was annoyed that she would have thrown things around her if the two continued.

''Hey stop bullying Lucy already,'' Lisanna scolded the two. ''I'll be accompanying you instead since she doesn't want to go. Is that ok Lucy?'' she politely asked.

Lucy sighed in relief. ''Thanks Lisanna. It sure is fine.''

''Yey! I'm all fired up.'' The two beamed like children. ''Enjoy slouching there Lucy, we'll get a lot of fish,'' Happy said.

''Like I care about fish.'' Lucy's head fell on the table again. She's bored but she just could not find the energy to entertain those two. Their games are weird and she would just end up being the loser due to illogical reasons. She just couldn't find what to do today.

She had borrowed a book from Levy but she finished it immediately with the help of her magical reading glasses. Now she regretted using it. ''This is really boring,'' she said aloud.

''I'm here to cure your boredom.'' She heard a familiar voice whisper to her ear. She opened her eyes but dared not move. He is too close. ''You should have called me sooner. I will make your day,'' he continued. His lips touched her earlobes as he spoke.

There is no doubt, she immediately knew who this person is. The flirty celestial lion. She waited for him to distance a little before she straightened up. ''What are you doing here?'' she said with a straight face.

''I'm part of the guild too you know,'' Loke said pretending to be hurt. Then he's projection suddenly changed. He shined as he said, ''since you're bored and have nothing to do let's go out on a date. I have a good restaurant in mind.''

''What are you talking about? Go with someone else,'' Lucy said as she folded her arms to her chest.

''You are the only woman in my eyes now,'' Loke said and did not waste a second. He scooped Lucy up and carried her bridal style. ''Besides I have something important to tell you,'' he said in a serious tone.

Lucy wanted to protest but as she eyed him, his serious expression made her shut up. She's still not used to seeing him so serious. She took a deep breath and said in surrender, ''where are we going then?''

Everyone in the guild grinned and whispered with each other.

''She finally fell for him. She looks good in his arms anyway,'' someone said.

''I told you they have been getting it on. It's Loke we're talking about here you know. I'm sure he had done it with her already,'' another said.

''Poor Lucy, she must be hated by his fan girls,'' another added.

''I can hear you! Don't whisper when you're still talking so loud,'' she yelled in exasperation. There are really lots of gossipers in this world.

''Ignore them my love. Let's head out to La Viera Restaurant. That place may help you calm down and relax,'' Loke said with a smile. How could he not get affected at all when someone just mentioned something that has truth in it regarding them?

Everyone in the guild stopped in their tracks and stared at them.

''Did he just say La Viera?'' Macao said.

''That's one of the most expensive restaurant. I heard they also serve the tastiest foods. I have never been there even just once though,'' Wakaba answered. That restaurant is indeed a first class restaurant. It's too expensive that even Lucy froze.

''Are you serious?'' she said with large eyes. She cannot go to such places when she haven't even paid her rent yet.

Loke knowingly grinned. ''You don't have to worry about a thing. Everything will be my treat. I'm the one who asked for a date right?''

''Right!'' Lucy beamed and hugged Loke. If it's not her who would pay then she would just enjoy the place then. She did not know that everyone stared at them and some even took pictures. Then she suddenly let go of him and froze again, ''Wait, let me change. I cannot go there wearing this clothes.''

''Eh but you're clothes are fine. You look like a hot model,'' Loke said with an appreciative look from her face down to her whole body and back to her eyes.

''Hmmm, but they would still look down on me. Let's drop by at my house.''

''Okay, as you wish my princess. But honestly, you're enthralling in any clothes.'' Before Loke could take a step Virgo suddenly appeared.

''Please wear this princess,'' she said and showed a magnificent dress really fit for a princess that the ladies in guild stared at it with longing.

''It's so beautiful Virgo. But isn't that a little bit too flashy?'' Lucy responded. She wondered why Virgo had to appear. She always comes in handy when it comes to clothes.

''It will definitely suit you Lucy,'' Loke said in agreement. Lucy looked around and she just could not help but accept the dress as she saw the envy and hungry looks of the other girls in the guild. Even Erza started sketching for a new style for her armour patterned at the dress. She wanted to tease them. Showing off once in a while is not that bad.

She went to a room and changed her clothes. To complete the package, she summoned Cancer to fix her hairstyle.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the restaurant name. I just invented it. I don't know if there is really a restaurant with such a name. I don't even know if there is such a word as viera.

Next Chapter: A Real Princess

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