Chapter 32: Being a Man

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Gray stared at the sleeping Juvia. She's exhausted and it's because of him. He never thought doing it with Juvia is so bewitching that he seemed to never get satisfied.

He had been doing it with Juvia continuously ever since he lost control of his mind and body. He just cannot get enough of her.

Juvia fell asleep with exhaustion by two o' clock in the morning. It is already six in the morning and Gray haven't even fallen asleep. He just stared at her all the time and hugged her close to him. He still craved for her and he could feel the burning pain and coldness again once they have stopped doing it.

It was so confusing on his part. He wanted Juvia to rest but he also wanted to wake her up to do it again. Luckily, despite the drug; his mind is still functioning even if just a bit. 'What kind of drug is that anyway? How could it affect both body and mind?' He knew of aphrodisiac drugs but those things mostly just make the body crave and love sex. It does not affect the way they think. Unlike this drug that totally controls even their minds.

''Gray-sama, Juvia will always love you no matter what,'' he heard Juvia say in her sleep. He sighed and kissed her forehead. How could this girl just give herself away to him so easily? She did not even resist him.

She just told him, ''if it's for Gray-sama, Juvia does not mind at all. I will do everything for Gray-sama. I know it is painful, Loke explained it to Juvia. I have to do this.'' And she kissed him. That was when Gray totally lost grip of his control and everything else happened so fast that he only realized he had done so much when he collapsed on top of Juvia as he had his orgasm. Juvia held him so tight as she also had hers. He released his seed inside her.

Now that Gray thought of it, every time he releases, it had always been inside Juvia. What if she gets pregnant? Just imagining the reactions of his guild mates especially Erza, Natsu, and Lucy. He wanted to bury himself under the ground.

Just before his thoughts could go any further he heard someone knock at the door. He did not remember Juvia saying anything about room service. Who could be coming at a time like this? He prepared himself for a fight.

''Gray it's me,'' said a familiar voice. ''Open the door.'' It was Loke's voice.

Gray slowly got out of the bed so as not to awake the sleeping Juvia. He opened the door and saw that it is really Loke. ''Yo.''

''Dude at least wear something if you're still that aroused,'' Loke said.

''What the - I'm sure I wore something,'' Gray said and ran back inside.

Loke followed and saw an exhausted Juvia sleeping contentedly. Her clothes are sprawled everywhere.

''Whatcha' lookin' at?'' Gray said hindering Loke's view of the sleeping lady.

Loke laughed. ''I never knew you are that possessive of your woman. Don't be so jealous and have confidence in yourself will you,'' the stellar spirit said as he laughed again.

''This is not funny. What the hell is wrong with me, dammit! Why am I suddenly feeling like this that I do not even know what I am doing?!''

''Now, now. Calm down or she'll wake up. I came to give you something.'' Loke handed him two bottles filled with something blue.

''What's this?''

''That's a special tonic. Let Juvia drink it every time she wakes up after sleeping. It will make her feel less pain since you surely have been rough to her and it might be her first time.'' Loke said knowingly. Gray made an expression that confirmed the lion's suspicion.

''And what do you mean every time she wakes up?''

''Look at yourself silly. Are you even close to getting satisfied with her? You will be in this hotel for several days until when the effect of the drug will stop. And for your information it will only lose effect when you are satisfied doing it with her. You cannot also postpone doing it since the longer you postpone the stronger your craving becomes. Plus the more painful when you don't get what you want.''

''What the hell do you mean by that?'' the ice mage said.

''What I'm saying is that the tonic will also replenish her strength so she could cope with your desires. It will also relax her so that she would not feel so much pain after both of you do it for hours without rest. As for you, your suffering will be lessened every time you do it with her. I bet you are in pain right now,'' Loke said knowingly.

''How do you know all of that?''

''Like I've said to Juvia I have been tracking this case. I got my hands on the results of the experiments done by stupid doctors which I do not still know who until now. Their research showed that a number of men and women injected with the drug died in pain after accidentally killing their supposed partners due to their eagerness and lack of control. So you'd better be careful.''

''What the heck! That's just terrible. But why do I feel like you're hiding something? Did you purposefully let Juvia come to this hotel?''

''What are you talking about? Would you prefer to do it with some other woman? The effect of the drugs is worse to mages. And if I have called a normal human you may have hurt her already. Only mages could keep up to your energy but of course they would get burned out easily and yet you are still brimming with it. Juvia is the one with you so she's the last and only resort. If I have called Erza she would have killed you before you could even touch her. And don't tell me you are fantasizing for my Lucy. Well back off, she's my wife and only I can touch her.''

''Like I'm an abnormal person. And as if you're already married,'' Gray mumbled to himself.

The lion heard it. ''What's that supposed to mean? Would you have really preferred if it was Lucy?'' Loke said clenching his fist.

''Now look who's jealous. I thought you have confidence in yourself,'' Gray teased. Loke's fist tightened. ''Hey I'm just kidding man. Lucy's yours all right. You can have her all you want. It's just that I don't know how to face Juvia after all this,'' the ice mage confided.

Loke immediately calmed down. Why did he even got heated up? Maybe it's because he was deprived of what he wanted last night and the effect of the drug on him has not yet vanish. It's like a slap to his face when Lucy turned him down. And this person in front of him is another reason why he is not with Lucy right now. He inhaled. ''If you're a man you'll know what to do. I can't just butt in to others relationships. And before I forget, that tonic in your hand has something else. I knew it would be bothering you.''

''What do you mean?''

''You are afraid she'll get pregnant aren't you?'' Loke said and smirked as Gray's funny relieved expression confirmed it. ''The tonic is mixed with something that will ensure that Juvia will not get pregnant so don't forget to give it to her.''

Gray sighed. ''Thanks man. It's not that I wanted to run away from my responsibility but it's just that it's too soon. Juvia might not even want kids right now despite of her saying all those funny things. And I haven't even made up my mind yet. And now that this happened I'm not sure of what to do after this. I'm totally confused.''

''I understand how you feel. Here. Drink some of this, it will ease your suffering while Juvia is asleep. Drink some of it every time she sleeps. Don't forget to give her time to rest,'' Loke said as he handed another two bottles to Gray with different colors. ''I'll take my leave now. I have to check on the others too. Just enjoy this for the mean time. I'm sure Juvia understands that this has to happen.'' Loke immediately left and gave the same tonics to the other couples.

Gray could not be more grateful of the stellar spirit's help. He drank the tonic and he indeed felt the burning pain eased a little.

Next Chapter: Husband and Wife

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