Chapter 49: Lover's Quarrel

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Lucy slapped him. After making her give up her virginity to him. After he enjoyed doing so many naughty things to her. After those warm and passionate times that he repeatedly said how he loved doing it to her. How dare he say those things just now!

''How could you say that to me after all this time?'' Lucy yelled at Loke. That's rare. They never saw Lucy slap nor yell that way at Loke. He bowed his head as if she is going to hit him again. They knew Lucy hated her spirits being hurt. What is she doing now?

'How could he say that? It is fine by me to have given myself to him so I could ease his pain. Is he telling me it would have been best if I just watched him suffer? If I had been heartless?' Lucy furiously thought. She also did not like it for Loke to say those after having all those pleasures all for himself. Lucy also hated the fact that she did not regret doing it with Loke. All she felt that time was bliss. And now Loke is saying something like that, how annoying!

All of them got confused. Even Erza, Gray, Cana, and Natsu does not know what they are talking about. ''A lover's quarrel?'' they all thought.

''I'm sorry. I know that you are not that kind of person. I also know that you couldn't have meant all those words you have said. But it still hurts even if I already knew. I just cannot forget it all.'' Loke said still looking down. He looked like he is waiting for another slap or perhaps a blow on the head.

Lucy felt sorry for slapping him but did not say a thing. She just watched him. Loke looked at her in the eye and admitted, ''it's not like I'm just getting jealous here either. That's part of it. I know you could choose whoever you want. I am fine with that.''

She liked the way he admitted that he is jealous. But she did not understand why she felt annoyed hearing him say he is fine with her choosing whom she wants. Then what if she chose Prince Zafir, would he consent? After all that had happened between them Loke would just let her go to another man?

Lucy kind of wanted him to be a little possessive of her since he was her first. She wanted him to not just give her away. Maybe it was her pride as a woman that was making her feel that way. Or maybe something deeper that she is not yet ready to admit?

''Is he giving up on her?'' Wakaba asked.

''He is doing it for her happiness,'' Macao supplied.

''He is such a martyr,'' the latter said.

''I really do not understand what is going on anymore,'' Erza, Gray, Natsu, and Cana said in unison.

Loke clenched his fist. ''B-but to fall inlove with that dirty Prince Zafir . . .''

'Eh?' Lucy raised both palms as if to swear and said, ''I did not say I love him.'' She wondered if he read her mind.

''I cannot allow you to be with that lewd man. Lucy, even if you beg me, I would never let you go and marry that man. Even if you plead so much,'' Loke said with so much conviction.

That made her smile. ''Well I'm glad to hear that from you. I am assured that someone would keep him away from me,'' Lucy selfishly said. She really cannot stand being that near that person.

''Tsk. That prince, he would just make you a second wife. A concubine! I would not forgive such insult. You deserve more than that Lucy,'' Loke said with a balled fist. He really cared for her.

Their listeners are really confused now. ''That is what he is being so angry about?''

''Thanks for your concern Loke,'' Lucy said with a smile. She never thought that, that made Loke angry. He indeed values her deeply.

Her spirits really do love her. They even care about who she should marry. No wonder when she called Aries to help her soften a couch, before Aries left she asked Lucy of who she has in mind to be her husband. Aries had even said that Loke would be the best for Lucy. Aries had said that Loke would surely love and protect Lucy with all of him. Virgo had appeared too just to say she agree with Aries. They also said Gray, Natsu, and Hibiki might be fine too. The two vanished with the other asking for apology and the latter for punishment for daring to speak.

As if reading her mind Loke said, ''marry me instead. You would be the queen of my heart forever. No treasure and amount of money or land would compare to the joy you will experience by my side. I devote myself to you,'' Loke declared from the bottom of his heart. He might seem to be just flirting but he was being honest. A lion is straightforward and not pretentious. He acts and says how he feels.

''Is he proposing again?'' their guild mates muttered.

''Now you're back to normal,'' Lucy said with a smile. This is what she liked about Loke's ministrations. He had always been sweet though sometimes a little perverted. But he never said anything like he will give her all the riches or money she needed. Loke always offered something different. Something more precious than treasures and riches. He always talked of love and devoting his whole heart and being to her.

That is what a woman would want more than material things. Love, trust, devotion, and loyalty. The foundations of a good relationship. No material gifts no matter how expensive could compare to love that is really devoted to someone.

Next Chapter: To Heal His Shattered Heart

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