Embarassment and Explanations::Chapter 56

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Lydia POV

I make my way to the front steps of school and take a moment. Last night's events rerun like a movie in my mind.

I can't think about that now..

I shake my head of the thoughts and walk up the steps, making my entrance.

I flip my brown highlighted  hair and hold my chin high, smile on.

I look around for Bri, but dont see her. Some lacrosse player opens the door for me but I don't take notice.

Where is she?

I walk down the air cooled halls and stop at my boring gray locker.

Another day..

Another show..

Bri's POV

'Who's she?'

'Is that Brianna Mcall?'

'She looks goth'

'Probably depression'

'She looks hot'

These pestering whispers flit across the halls as I walk in, not smiling, head down.

I knew this was a bad idea...

I push past them, trying to ignore, but my face heats up.

Stopping at my locker, I keep my eyes focused on the books, and not the curious stares I'm attracting.

"Bri?" A worried voice calls and I turn to face the speaker.

It's Lydia..

Here we go..

Her pale face is tired and shocked, but she notices the curious people around us.

Lydia strains a smile and tries to regain her peppy act.

"Love your new look hon, off to Math right?" She chirps and I sense my cue.

Smiling tightly I look at her and ignore the people staring.

"Thanks! Yes let's go!" I say and flip my hair, all girly like, and walk down the hall, hand in hand with my best friend.

As soon as we're away from the prying eyes, I drop the act and lose the smile.

Lydia does the same and looks at me, waiting for an answer.

"Bri?" She prys and I,turn away not ready to answer.

If I tell them they'll never accept me..

They'll look at me differently..

"Are you okay?" Lydia asks again and I simply shake my head, and walk away.

How do I tell them?

Yea, I don't know what's wrong with me but I want to wear this dark outfit and forget about everything that's Supernatural.

That would make a great conversation..

I walk into the Math room, my face devoid of expression, and take a seat.

Let them whisper.

The new Brianna Mcall dosent care.

A/N Hi..

Do you hate me?

I'm sorry that my updates aren't that great but I'm on vacation and it's my last week, so for some days, until August 7th, the chapters will be like this.

The next chapter will be mystery and I hope you like it.

I hope you like this chapter and if you dont..well..you dont.

K if you did please vote and comment.

See you next time..

~Your apologetic author


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