Teddy's Question

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For Olivethepineapple Sorry it is so late! <3 And I hope you like Teddy in this... I tried... at least it isn't Tedoire!

Every step was an achievement for
Teddy and determination rushed through him as he struggled on . The large wooden trunk was holding him back and it took everything he had to pull it down the stairs with him. He desperately wanted to get out his new wand and bewitch the case to float softly beside him, and not smash into his heel every few seconds, but he couldn't for two reasons. One reason was that he was underaged and another was that he simply didn't know the spell.

Not one to give up easily, he battled on until it fell from the last step with an almighty thud. With a sense of accomplishment, and a look of triumph, Teddy dusted his hands off on his robes and smiled.
"Ta-da," he murmured, turning away, but as he did he he saw Harry standing next to him.
"Oh, wotcher!" He said, with a grin. His Godfather returned the smile and ran a hand through his dark hair. It was less unruly than usual and he appeared to have combed through it with some sort of sticky gel, leaving it flat and brittle looking. He did it on Ginny's orders, probably, Teddy thought.
"Just like your mum, you are, Ted." His gaze immediately dropped to the floor and the smile faded. It wasn't the first time he had been told this by someone but, no matter how many times he heard it, it didn't stop the words from hurting.
"Really?" He asked quietly. His blue hair fell into his face, covering his eyes, but Harry pushed it away gently and tilted Teddy's face towards his own.
"Yes, really. She would have been so proud of you. Remus would be, too. And so am I." Teddy shuffled and kicked his shoes into the carpet, which earned him a frown from Harry but he stayed quiet and let him carry on.

After a few moments, Teddy looked up. It was clear something was troubling him, by the way his brows knitted together tightly and his eyes crinkled up. "Why did you buy my things for me? My things for Hogwarts I mean?" Harry chewed his lip and pondered the question. He hadn't told Teddy he had payed, but he suspected Andromeda had mentioned it. Expectant eyes watched his reaction closely; and when he met them reluctantly, he knew that telling the truth would be the best thing to do.
"Well, I did it because your parents didn't leave you any money. Very little anyway. I am your Godfather, so I payed. Your grandmother wanted to but she does enough already, I wanted to help out." Teddy frowned.
"Why did they not leave me anything?" Harry was sure he had mentioned these things to the boy before but explained anyway.
"Because they didn't have anything to leave you, Ted."
"Why? Were they poor?" He asked curiously.
Harry nodded, "Yes, but it was not their fault. Your father couldn't get a job, and couldn't keep the ones he did get. Werewolves are not treated kindly in the wizarding world, as you know, and it was even worse before the war. He couldn't work or get mone-" Teddy cut him off, a look of rage painted across his face.
"That's not fair! It's not his fault he was a Werewolf! He didn't bite himself!" Harry was surprised at the sudden outburst of anger from Teddy. It was not that this was unusual behaviour for him, for he had his mother's spirit and was feisty too, it was that he had been so calm and excited earlier.
"I know it's not fair," he told him, quietly, "it's not fair at all. But that's the way it was." Teddy sat down on the step, twiddling a strand of blue around his fingertips a little too roughly.
"I hope I meet a Werewolf on the train. We'll be best friends and if anyone touches him, I'll show them how it fe-"
"Teddy! Don't let Ginny hear you making threats like that!" He scolded, but his heart was not in it and he was surpressing laughs anyway. With a sigh, and a cough to stop the chuckle, he sat down in the space on the stairs, next to the boy, and put an arm around his shoulders. Carefully, he pulled Ted's hands away from his hair ripping activities and smiled.
"Besides, money isn't everything. Money doesn't make you rich." Teddy looked at Harry as if he was stupid or as if he had suddenly grown the pink or blue hair.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, money does make you rich. What I mean is it doesn't make you happy. Your parents may have struggled, and your father may have been extremely poor, but he had something worth much more than money. Something worth a hundred Galleons," Harry assured.
"Really? What?" Teddy asked, the smile returning to his face at the prospect of his father having something so special. Something that the wealthy might not possess.
"Yes, bravery. It doesn't sound like much but it is. Their bravery is why you are here today, Ted. Why we all are. It doesn't matter whether or not you have money. It doesn't matter what family you come from, or what you are, it is the person inside that counts. And what was inside your parents was the bravery to fight and carry on." Teddy stared at the heavy wooden trunk on the floor, next to his feet, and felt as if it was pressing hard against his chest and forcing the air from his lungs. He closed his eyes and almost instantly his hair transformed from bright blue to soft grey; a signal he had used since he was a child to show he needed to be hugged and comforted.

Harry pulled him into his arms and sighed into his hair, stroking his forehead. This is what he loved about the boy. He did not shy away from comfort and he did not see it as weak to need help or assurance. Harry was sure to always give it to him, for he knew what it was like to want it and not receive it when you needed it most.

Sniffing, Teddy pulled away from Harry and his hair was a pastel blue once more. "Ready?" Harry asked him, pulling himself and the trunk up. Teddy bit his lip, rearranging his robes. A thousand thoughts were racing through his head, about his new school, but he was no longer nervous. The butterflies in his stomach had disintegrated and it did not bother him which house he would be in anymore, who he would sit with on the train or who his classmates would be. It didn't matter because he would be brave. Whether he was a Gryffindor, a Hufflepuff or even a Slytherin, he knew that - just like his parents - he would have bravery. And that would be all he needed.
After a few moments, he nodded, a wide smile spreading across his face,
"Ready," he replied.

Hope you like it! I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense or there are errors, it is three in the morning and I'm extremely tired! :) thank you for reading/voting/commenting, I <3 you all.

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