Wolf and Friend

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Remus hugged his knees tighter to his chest, trying to hold back the hot tears stinging his eyes. There were violent sobs threatening to escape him but he held them inside with steely determination, promising himself he wouldn't be weak; not anymore.
Every inch of his small body ached. The transformation was mere minutes away and his hollowed face was weary and pale. Muscles were straining against bone and bone was pulling hard at tendons, desperately trying to reach the freedom that moonlight offered. Pain crawled through his head and trickled down his neck until it was infecting all sections of his brain, shattering his thoughts. His nose burnt, his cheeks ached and his ears tingled; his senses becoming more sensitive by the second.
As he turned, his eyes were illuminated by the paralysing light of the full moon shining through the broken window of the shrieking shack. A dreamy expression settled on his face and if you were looking at him in that moment you would not see his agony. You would see a small boy, enchanted by something dangerous and beautiful, with glowing lights touching his eyes but darkening his soul.
However, this calm could not last.
Remus's lower lip trembled as clouds swirled across the iridescent ball in the dark sky and he took a deep breath, knowing that any second now he would be torn apart from the inside until only pure instinct remained. Until pure wolf remained.

The door swung open and his head snapped around. Immediately panic rushed through him and his heart began to pound.
"What are you doing? Get out! Out!" He screamed. James, Sirius and Peter were panting, smiles on their faces.
Tears welled in Remus's eyes and all promises of strength were forgotten.
"Leave, now! Please, please!" He was begging them as the white light touched his skin and a shudder ran through him. All traces of tension and fear left him while his eyes glazed over.
"He's changing!" Peter hissed, clearly afraid, and Sirius glared at him, his dark eyes daring Peter to chicken out.
"We can see that, Pete! Now shut up and get ready to change." His voice was low and firm and his eyes were alight with excitement. Not fear, but excitement. Sirius black didn't get scared.
"Are we actually going to do this?" Peter asked and Sirius's head whipped around.
"What are you talking about? Of course we are! How could you look at him and not want to, we're here for him and so are you. You're one of his best friends and you're staying now get ready." Peter nodded sheepishly and swallowed his anger and his fear and James tugged at Sirius's collar, whispering for him to calm down. 
Remus opened his mouth to shout once more for his friends to leave but it was useless. In that moment, thick hair began to erupt from his pale,  cracking skin and the boy was lost. His skin stretched and ripped as tendons snapped, burst and tore until fresh fibres of muscle fused together and built a new skeleton, one that could contain the beast within.
"Now!" James shouted and the shack shook.
A small rat cowered in the corner while a scruffy black dog barked frantically, skipping towards the whimpering wolf before retreating; losing its nerve.
In the centre of the room stood a stag. The antlers towered above its head, towards the ceiling, and it shivered, adjusting to the feeling of four legs and advanced senses.
Remus could not think. Not in the usual way. He was still himself except he had no control over his body. The wolf and the instincts were driving him but that didn't mean he wasn't aware. He could see and understand everything but it was more... limited. His thoughts were simple and in pictures, fighting for dominance against urges to kill; and hunt, and run.
If Remus could cry he would, and if he could laugh he would, too. Never had he thought his friends would do something as stupid but brilliant as this. Accepting him for what he was filled his heart with joy enough as it was. Not many people, from their backgrounds, would accept a Werewolf - but they did. However this was more, it meant so much more and ... there were no words.
No words could express how grateful he felt and as he stood in his wild body, he felt proud. Proud that this curse has bought him such close friends.
The wolf raised his nose into the air and howled. The howl was chilling, the type of sound that sends shivers down spines and causes mothers to shut the windows in their children's rooms. But James, Sirius and Peter understood. The three animals show their heads in acknowledgement, Sirius giving a low howl in return that quickly faded into a whine.
And then the wolf was back, the last traces of the mischievous but bookish boy fading, and it turned and ran; through the door and out into the open. But as the three boys followed behind him, awkwardly testing their new limbs, Remus felt safe. He wasn't afraid, and for once he had reason not to be. He had his friends by his side, his best friends.
Everything was always better with them, even this. And after so many years of suffering the burden that was being a Werewolf, that was something he never thought he'd say.

Thank you for reading guys! Sorry about the ending of this, I feel like I worded it really weirdly but I couldn't think of the words I wanted to say.

Also, I love you and want to thank you again for all of the votes and reads. I really never thought I would get this far and it means a lot, my friends!
Remember, if you ever need anyone to speak to for any reason then you can talk to me :)


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