Chapter 1

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This is wrong I thought to myself. How could I be in love with someone I've never even met? As I lay on my bed with the sounds of All Time Low flowing through my headphone speakers the question that seems to haunt me pops in my mind once again.

Ever since I discovered 5 Seconds of Summer I was hooked. Of course I loved them all, but something about that blonde, blue-eyed boy always made feel a little extra. I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone buzz.

Amanda - wanna come over?

Amanda was my best friend since 8th grade and sometimes what felt like my only friend.

She was always there for me and still is. That's what I love about her, that and our mutual obsession of 5sos. I quickly texted back.

Me: sure be over in 10

I grabbed my bag and keys and left the house.


Shortly after I arrived, Amanda and I were in her room jamming out to "Social Casualty" and eating ice cream, typical for our Friday nights. "So, she asked, "any plans this weekend"?

"You know me, probably just catch up on homework". "You're such a nerd Alisa". It was true. I wasn't exactly the type to go to parties every weekend or go out at all really for that matter. I just didn't see the point when my bed was home all warm and cozy just waiting for me, "ya well I may be a nerd but at least I'm not a giant".

"Hey, I'm only 5'7 shortie". She knew I hated being called that word. I was always the short one growing up, only being 5 feet 2, and am the one of the shortest in my grade. That's one of things I always despised about myself. "Oh hush I'm only 5 inches shorter than you, and besides I'm not short I'm fun sized!"

"Whatever, she said, "your still short". I looked on my phone and noticed the time was 11:30 p.m. "Oh shoot is that the time!?, I was supposed to be home an hour ago my mom is going to kill me! I'll call you tomorrow, bye love you!" I don't even think she heard the last part as I basically sprinted out of her house.

Thankfully when I got home my mom was asleep, although I'm sure I'll be hearing about this in the morning. I quickly change into my pajamas and get into bed. As I lay there with my eyes closed my mind wanders in a million different directions, but always comes back to one recurring thought I can never seem to shake. The one thought that finds itself in my head every night before I go to sleep. Luke Hemmings.


The next day was the same. Wake up, clean my room, finish homework- my usual Sunday's. Today I had plans with Amanda to go to the mall. If there was one thing I loved to do it was shop. First we headed to the food court, even though I had already eaten lunch. Why was I always hungry?

After lunch we went to Forever 21 where Amanda pretty much forced me to try on several floral dresses. She claims I own too much black, but I don't see a problem. "Oh just try it on!" She exclaimed "Mandy I told you I hate floral"

"Pleaseeeee" she begged. "Ughh, alright fine". I went into the changing room to try on the dress which I surprisingly loved. After a few other stores, we decided to head home. By the time I got home my mom already had dinner started so I went upstairs to put my things away. "Hey mom, what's for dinner"? "Hello, sweetie. Spaghetti your favorite."

I helped her finish cooking and set the table. I always tried helping my mom out whenever I could. Being a single parent, it was hard sometimes. After a delicious dinner I figured I would shower and study a bit, which lasted a good 5 minutes as I couldn't concentrate without checking Twitter every 2 seconds for 5sos updates. It didn't take me long before I finally gave up and laid in bed scrolling through Tumblr.

I couldn't stop the smile from creeping on my face as I came across a picture of Luke with a fan. He was hugging her with his face nuzzled in her neck. Why couldn't that be me? Of course I had to be in love with the most unattainable person in the world. It wasn't like any guy at my school was my type anyway, but at least they're somewhat available.

Pushing my thoughts aside I noticed the time was 10pm. I knew I had to get up early tomorrow so I turned off the lamp on my nightstand and closed my eyes with the all too familiar face in the back of my mind.

So new story! I have a lot of ideas for this book I'm really excited! I hope you like it and feel free to check out my other works :) Enjoy xx

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