Chapter 15

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Unfortunately, it was our last day in Vegas but the good news is, there's only two more weeks until the tour ends and Luke would be home for good.

I was in the room gathering up my things when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. "Don't leave me" Luke whined while resting his chin on my shoulder. I turned to face him, and he pouted his lip out. "I wish I didn't have to baby, but it's only two weeks.

And besides I have to get back to school if I want to graduate". He looked sad but nodded in understanding. "I know. It just sucks being away from you." I stood on my toes and pecked his lips. "I'm gonna go see what the guys are up to. I'll let you finish." I smiled sympathetically.

He quickly kissed the top of my head and left the room. I sat on the end of the bed and sighed. It really did suck. Even though two weeks didn't seem like a long time, when you're away from the person you love it feels like years.

I hated being away from him, even if it was waiting backstage for their show to end. When the love of your life had no idea you existed and now you get to call him yours; it really makes you never want to leave his side. I got up off the bed, and finished packing my things.

If I let myself alone with my thoughts any longer, I would start crying, and there will be plenty of that later. I heard a knock on my door. I opened it to find a melancholy Amanda with her suitcase. "Hey. The guys are packing the car, you ready?" I gave her a sad smile, obviously meaning no but I said yes, grabbed my bag, and the two of us headed down to the lobby where the guys were waiting.

I cuddled next to Luke the entire car ride. Everyone was silent except Michael of course who was screaming about how much he'd miss us. Even when he was upset, he was always happy.

I would miss his cheeriness everyday. We arrived at the airport and I could already feel my eyes getting wet. I refused to cry, at least not yet. We checked in, and went to the security line. They couldn't stand in line with us so I guess this was it.

Amanda started crying, which made me as well. I gave the boys a hug, not looking Luke in the eyes. I couldn't; not when I knew I'd lose it. I finished my hugs with the others and turned to face Luke. He put his hands on either side of my face and wiped away my tears, that were falling even harder now. "It's only 2 weeks baby girl, I promise it'll go by fast."

He kissed my forehead, and I just wrapped my arms around him burying my face in his chest soaking up one last feel for his scent and warm touch. "We would like to begin boarding flight 420 to Los Angeles at this time please" a voice said over the monitor.

Luke lifted my chin, and kissed me with so much passion. "I love you so much" I whispered. He leaned down so our foreheads were touching. "I love you too. Call me when you get in ok?" I just nodded and gave him one last kiss before we went to board. This was going to be a long flight.


I put my headphones in waiting for the plane to take off. 'Lego House' by Ed Sheeran started playing through my speakers. Now was not the right time for this song. I pressed the skip button only to have another sad song come on.

I was too upset and now frustrated so I just took them out, and tried to take a nap instead. That backfired because every time I closed my eyes all I saw was Luke. I could feel myself tearing up again.

I felt like such a movie cliché, crying on an airplane looking out the window. We took off a few minutes later. I looked out at the clouds taking me farther and farther away. I tried to look on the positive side, it was only two weeks. I'd take that over months.

I looked over at Amanda who was asleep, so I put my earbuds back in. I didn't even care what I listened to at this point; I just needed something to distract me from my thoughts. I felt a tap on my shoulder "can I offer you something to drink?" the stewardess asked. "I'll just have some water, thanks".

Why were they always so jolly? Maybe I'm a just a bitter person, but it annoys the crap out of me. After a while, the announcement finally came on telling us were landing.

Once we got off the plane, and retrieved our luggage, both mine and Amanda's mother greeted us. My mom pulled in a tight hug. "Oh I missed you!" "Mom it's only been a week" I chuckled.

Then I remembered it was only the two of us; I would probably get lonely too. We walked to the garage where she was parked. "There's pizza back at the house, are you hungry?" "Not really" I said looking at the ground. "Sweetheart, I know you miss Luke but he'll be back soon." She said smiling. I faked a smile back. It was much harder than she thought.

When we arrived home, I immediately went up to my room. I flipped on the light switch and noticed a box on my bed. Who sent me a package? I went over and saw a note taped to it reading "To my beautiful girl, I had a great time with you this week, I can't wait to see you soon. I think you'll enjoy this :-)
Love you lots, Luke xx

I smiled at his cute little handwriting and opened the box. Inside was a frame with a picture of the two of us from our little excursion, and a coffee mug with 'I ❤️ You' written on it.

I smiled at the picture. He was wearing a gray beanie, smiling a super wide smile like he always does, and I was kissing his cheek. He looked adorable. I also realized that was the day we said I love you for the first time. I placed it on my bedside table and called Luke.

He picked up after the second ring. "Hi baby" "Hey, we just got in. I just opened your package; you're so cute". "Aw I knew you'd love it. I miss you. Michael keeps trying to cuddle me but it's not the same as yours". "I ship it" I said which made him laugh. "I think I'm gonna head to bed, I'm pretty tired. I'll talk to you tomorrow? I love you." "Ok, I love you baby goodnight".

I hung up the phone and changed into my pjs. I quickly brushed my teeth and climbed into bed. It felt so lonely and cold without Luke snuggling me. I rolled over, looking at my new picture. I reached over and traced my thumb across his face, before closing my eyes. Two more weeks, I thought.

I hope you like the story so far! I just wrote so many chapters I can't wait for you to read them :) anyway have a good day! x

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