Chapter 26

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Luke POV

I quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Alisa. God, she's so adorable. I thought of an idea last night after she fell asleep. She's gone through so much drama lately, I wanted to give her a special day. I called Cal, Amanda, Mikey, and the rest of our friends, and we all planned to surprise her with a day trip to Disneyland. Every time she sees commercials come on, her face lights to like a little kid. She's so cute.

Right now, I'm calling Amanda to finalize the plans. I figured I should leave the planning to her, she's the most organized other than Alisa. It was currently 5 am, but if we wanted to get a good spot and be first in lines, we'd have to leave early. The phone continued to dial, and she picked up on the third ring. "Hey, I was just gonna call you. Everyone's on board, we're gonna meet at mine at 7."  "Sounds good. I'm gonna wake Alisa, and tell her the news." "K see you soon". We hung up, and I quietly tiptoed back in the room.

Alisa was still sound asleep. I started to place tiny kisses all up and down her neck and shoulders. "Not now babe, go back to bed" she groaned into the pillow. "Get up" I whispered. "But I want to sleep." She complained, rolling over to face me.
  "I have a surprise for you. But you need to get up and get dressed." She sat up and yawned, looking at her phone. "It's only 5 am, what could be so important?" I couldn't stop the small smile from creeping on my face. Just thinking of how excited she'll be once I see her huge smile.

"You'll see" I said kissing her temple. She sighed as she groggily got out of bed.

Alisa POV

Luke woke me up at 5 am telling me to get ready. Apparently he has some sort of "surprise" for me. I could easily sleep another 3 hours but regardless, I did as he said. I decided not to shower. I figured whatever he had planned would most likely require me to shower later anyway.

I changed out of my pajamas into a pair of jean shorts and solid black tank top, with a bathing suit underneath. Luke told me I might need one "just in case". I really don't like surprises, but I took his word for it. I threw my hair up in a quick bun, and grabbed my bag. I was too lazy to put on makeup, so I just went as is. Luke was ready and waiting for me when I finished. I don't understand how guys get ready so quick.

He was wearing a pair of black athletic shorts with a singlet that had "Misfits" written on it. "Ready?" I asked tiredly. He had a huge smile on his face, which made me excited for what he had planned. "Yep".

We arrived at Amanda's house, and I stepped out of the car confused. "This was my "big" surprise"? I asked. "Going to my best friends house?" Luke lightly chucked. "Not quite. It's a little more exciting than that." We walked in and to my surprise, I was greeted by Ashton, Michael, Calum, Chris, and Amanda standing in the living area. "What's everyone doing here?" I laughed looking at Luke who still had a smile plastered on his face.

"The cars all packed and ready, we were just waiting for you." Amanda said. I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. "Packed for what?" Will someone please tell me what's going on!" I said starting to get annoyed. They all ignored my pleas, and just laughed. "You'll know soon baby" Luke whispered in my ear.

The seven of us packed into the large, yet tiny van. "So none of you are really not going to tell me where we're going?"  "Nope" they all said in unison, popping the p. I rolled my eyes, and continued to look out the window in hopes to catch any clues. "Can you at least tell me how far it is?" Once again, I received silence.

"I have to pee!" Michael screamed after a while. "We're in the middle of the highway, I can't just pull over." Ashton said, who was driving. Calum started to complain how he was starving, earning yet more complaints from Ashton. I found it hilarious how he was like the annoyed dad, and we were his complaining children in the back.

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