Chapter 5

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Amanda's POV

I left Alisa's house a short while after our conversation about the contest. I know there's a less then likely chance we'll win but I'm trying to think positively. I just wish she'd feel the same. I know how much this would both mean to us, and it would be amazing to experience it with my best friend.

When I got home, I did some further research about the whole contest. Like I assumed, over 2 million people entered. Great, I thought. I knew a lot of people would enter but I never thought there would be this many. It really put into perspective the chances of winning, but I refused to give up hope.

That's one of the things Alisa and I didn't have in common. I always choose to look on the bright side and stay positive about things, where as she is always looking for an excuse to be pessimistic. The minute I heard about this contest, I had a feeling.

A feeling that if I cared strongly enough, and truly believed,  something good would come out of it. This Friday is when they announce the winners. It's crazy to think that in just a matter of 2 days, our lives could be changed.

It's a scary and exciting thought, to think we could see 5sos in person and not just on a computer, or cell phone, or television screen, in real life person. It was getting late so I got ready for bed, thinking about how these next two days would play out.

Alisa's POV

It was finally Thursday, which meant tomorrow was Friday, the day we'd find out the winners. My mind was going a million different directions. Would we win? Would we lose? Would we think we won, but really didn't? So many different scenarios were playing through my brain.

Mr. Hills voice saying my name took over my thoughts. Shit. That's the third time this week he's caught me not paying attention. Luckily, I was saved by the bell. Next period went faster than I thought. Normally I would be thrilled the day is going by fast, except this day in particular I didn't want to end.

I wasn't ready for tomorrow to come because I knew I'd be faced with a huge disappointment. I met Amanda and Chris in our usual spot in the lunchroom. "Hey guys". As usual, Chris was a ball of enthusiasm.

I honestly didn't understand how he was so happy all the time.  "Yo Alisa what's up!" "Yo? I chucked "since when do you say yo?" "All the cool people say yo, you don't understand." "Haha no, I guess I don't." Amanda was oddly quiet today.

I wonder if she was just as nervous about the contest as I was, I mean it's just our life dream at stake. She hasn't brought it up since she left my house the other day, maybe reality's finally kicking in. I decide to go against asking and finish my lunch.

The last two periods went by and the bell rang signaling school was over. I went to my locker, and headed to my car. I had work again today, but I didn't mind. Hopefully it will get my mind off things. When I got to work, I went to the locker room to change into my "very attractive" uniform.

As I was changing I noticed the radio was on. "Only one more day folks! The host announced. "Who will be our two lucky winners to see 5 seconds of summer in concert? Tune in tomorrow at 5pm pacific to hear, and good luck to our contestants! Of course, I had to be reminded of the one thing I was trying to forget.

I actually did for a good 5 minutes, up until now. Lucky for me we were swamped tonight so I wouldn't be forced to think about it. Since we were so crowded my boss put me on an extra shift which meant I would have to close the restaurant. I hated closing, I was always stuck with the creepy middle aged men at the bar.

One of them actually tried hitting on me once, but that's a story for a different time. The last customer left, and I finished wiping down the tables, locked up and went home to where I'd hopefully get some sleep tonight.


Beep. Beep. Beep. "Hmmm" I groaned, as I groggily reached for my beeping alarm clock. Last night, I couldn't sleep at all. My mind was racing. All I could hear was that radio hosts voice "who will be our two lucky winners to see 5 seconds of summer in concert?"

Over and over and over again, like a broken record. I decided to let myself stay home today. I still had a ton of homework that I didn't do since I got home at 11:30 last night, and honestly I doubt I'd be able to concentrate today anyway.

I texted Amanda telling her I was staying home and to come straight to my house after school. Throughout the day, I managed to clean my room, finish my work, and watch 2 movies, which took up until about 3:00.

School should just be getting out I thought. I sat on my bed anxiously waiting for Amanda. Ten minutes later she bolted in my bedroom "oh my god its almost time!!" We stared at my wall clock for what felt like hours until it was 4:55.

I quickly grabbed my radio and flipped to the station. "You know what time it is! Who are our lucky winners seeing 5sos in concert? I could literally feel my heart beating out of my chest. "Congratulations to....
"Sarah and Emily from Denver, CO!" And there it was. I knew we wouldn't win, but my heart still shattered into a million pieces.

I looked over at Amanda who had the same look of disappointment and sadness on her face. I felt my eyes start brimming with tears, and leaned my head on Amanda's shoulder. Just as I was about to turn the radio off the announcer came back on "Wait a minute, I seem to have made a mistake. My apologies, ok now for the real winners seeing 5 seconds of summer in concert- Alisa Adams and Amanda Thompson from Los Angeles, CA!

The both of our eyes popped out of our heads as we practically fell off the bed. "AGHHHH !!!!" "I TOLD YOU ALISA, I told you so!!"


My mood changed from nearly in tears to smiling like a complete idiot in a matter of seconds.

The two of us jumped and danced around the room as we continued to scream for 20 more minutes. The neighbors probably thought there was a serial killer in my house but I honestly didn't care about anything else in the world right now. I was going to see 5sos in concert with my best friend, and I was the happiest girl in the world. Nothing could ever ruin this moment.

So what do you guys think? Little bit of a plot twist there but obviously they won or there wouldn't be a point in writing this story... Stuff is about to happen hehe ;)

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