Chapter 18

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Nobody has talked to Chris since that night last week, but I'm not pushing it. If he doesn't like Luke he's just going to have to deal with it, or not talk to me anymore.

I feel guilty for choosing a guy over my friend, but he's acting ridiculous. Today Luke and I were going to the beach, along with Amanda and the guys. Amanda and Calum were now officially dating, which made me so happy for her.

I debated whether or not to invite Chris. I texted Amanda asking for her advice.

Me: Do you think we should invite Chris?

She texted back within seconds.

Amanda: If you want to. It seems unfair if we don't, but do you want to deal with his drama all day?

She was right. I decided to just let it go. I really wanted a drama free day with my best friends and boyfriend. If Chris comes to his senses, then I would gladly include him in our little group again.

I changed into my swimsuit and threw on a sundress over it. I was packing my bag when my phone buzzed next to me. Luke.

I smiled and picked up. "Hey you" I answered. "Hey I'm just leaving. I'll be over in 10?"  "Sounds good, see you soon babe".

I hung up and finished packing before going downstairs to wait for Luke. I was making a lunch for the two of us when a pair of hands slid around my waist.

A huge smile crept on my face, knowing exactly who it was. "Excuse me Mr.,I have a boyfriend" I said while turning around to face him.

He smirked down at me. "He's one lucky guy". I reached up placing a sweet kiss on his lips. "I think the others are meeting us there, are you ready?"  "Yep" he booped my nose causing me to chuckle.

We blasted the radio and screamed the lyrics to every song that came on. The best was when 'The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver' came on.

The two of us screamed at the top of our lungs "WHY CANT YOU JUST BE HAPPY FOR ME?" I burst out into laughter as Luke purposely made his voice crack on the high notes. He grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles while he drove.

The simple and light touch of his lips was enough to make my insides go crazy. That's one of things I loved about him-he didn't have to act all sexy, or tough to get me going.

We arrived at the beach and waited for the rest of our friends. We started walking down towards the water when Luke picked me up bridal style. "What are you doing?" I chuckled.

  "I know you don't like sand in your shoes" he replied. "You're a perfect guy Luke" I said kissing his cheek. "I know". I playfully rolled my eyes. Once we found a good spot and set up our umbrella, everyone was here.

Michael, Calum, and Ashton immediately ran in the water, while Amanda and I laid out towels to tan. "Babe I'm gonna go down with the guys, will you be ok?"  "Mhm, I'll be here" I smiled. He started running down the beach to catch up with the others. "Have fun!" I yelled after him.

"So, I guess you didn't invite Chris?" I had actually forgotten about that. "No, I don't need his attitude right now". She just nodded and put in her earbuds.

I was laying there perfectly fine, when  all of a sudden a pair of arms lifted me up. "No!" I struggled to release myself but it was no use, as within the next minute I was thrown underwater. I could hear laughter as my head reached the surface.

"I'm gonna kill you Hemmings!"  "It was Michaels idea!" he said throwing his hands up in defense. I just glared at him as he clenched his stomach from laughing. I got up to go back to my towel, but was dragged back by someone pulling my wrist. "Come swimming with me" Luke said pouting his lip.

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