Chapter 14

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The next morning I woke up to the most perfect boy sleeping beside me. I smiled and watched as the slow rise of his chest went up and down, along with his faint snores. I could easily get used to that for the rest of my life. I placed a small kiss on his forehead, and then one on his nose.

I knew he was up when he smiled, and nuzzled himself into my neck. "Good morning beautiful" he mumbled. His hands were thrown across my waist the same way we fell asleep. "Good morning Luke". He kissed my lips softly before getting out of bed. I shivered from the loss of heat. "Come back", I whined. "Get dressed, I have a big day planned for us." Regardless of how much I wanted to stay in bed all day, I got up and did as he said.

After about an hour, Luke asked me to meet him down in the lobby. I saw him sitting on one of the chairs before he noticed me, and started walking towards me. "So what's this big day you've got planned" I asked. "It's a surprise. C'mon".

He grabbed my hand and we left the hotel. Since it was only 10am, I had no idea where he could be taking me. A few minutes later, the car dropped us off at a cute little diner. "This place has the best pancakes; you'll like it".  "I'll be the judge of that" I smiled up at him and walked into the restaurant.

When we got our food, he was right. The pancakes were to die for. "So? They're good huh?" My mouth was too full to speak so I nodded my head dramatically. Luke laughed, "I told you they're the best". I swallowed my huge bite of food, "ok you're right, they're delicious".

We finished our breakfast, off to the next "surprise" he had planned for us. He took me to the strip to walk around and sightsee. Even though it was daytime, it still looked just as alive as at night. We walked around seeing the small Eiffel Tower, and Statue of Liberty, as well as a bunch of neat hotels and casinos. We explored the city all day, as it was now almost sunset. "Follow me".

Luke took my hand and started leading me up a bunch of back stairs. "Where are we going?"  "Just trust me". I proceeded to follow him up several flights of stairs, until we reached the rooftop. There were a bunch of plants scattered around like a miniature garden. Hanging above were strings of pretty little lights, giving off the perfect effect.

Luke and I looked down at the city, that was much more congested now. It was truly beautiful. The only thing that made this ten times better was the amazing guy standing next to me. He looked so angelic in the array of lights above us. I just wish I knew how he felt.

I mean, I think he loves me but how do I know? How does anyone really know? Screw it. I'm gonna tell him. In a perfect world, he says it back and we continue to grow our relationship, or I could run out of the building in tears.

Either way, I'm telling Luke I'm in love with him. I looked up at him, admiring his beautiful features. He looked over to me and smiled before taking my hand in his. "What?" he asked after a few seconds of staring at each other.

I could feel a lump in the back of my throat. "Nothing" I said. "Nothing it's just that... Uhm.." I looked into those big blue eyes that were patiently waiting for what I had to say.

"I uhm...Luke I-"I love you too" he cut me off. "How did you know what I was going to say?" Without saying anything, he leaned down and brought me in for a passionate kiss. I smiled into it, as did he. "I love you so much" I said when we pulled apart. "I love you Alisa."

He placed another soft kiss on my lips. "We should probably start heading back, unless you want to be late to your own concert".  "Ya I guess we should. There's a million screaming girls waiting for me."

  "Hey, I was one of those screaming girls once".  "I know" he winked. I started walking to the door that led to the stairs, but Luke didn't move. "Are you coming?"  "Ya. I'm just remembering this."

I reached my hand out as he made his way over to me. We shared one more kiss before going back to the hotel.


Once everyone was finished getting ready, we got in the car to go to the venue. The boys took a separate car, so they didn't get mobbed walking in, and Amanda and I took our own.

The place wasn't as big as in LA, but it was still a decent size. The security led us to the backstage area, where we waited for the show to start. The guys didn't arrive long after.

We hung out for a while before they were called to go. "So, are you guys excited?" Calum asked us. "Yes we're totally excited!" Amanda replied for the both of us. She always got so excited and giddy around Calum.

I swear they had a secret thing. Security yelled in 5 minutes until showtime. I went to wish Luke good luck before we went to our seats where we would watch the concert.

"Good luck baby, I know you'll do great as usual."  "That's cause I know you'll be in the crowd." He kissed my forehead which made me smile. "Boys lets go"! the security guard shouted. "Bye babe, love you." Hearing him say that gave me the chills. "Love you too superstar" I blew him a kiss, before meeting up with Amanda.

The show opened with End Up Here, making the crowd go nuts. They played their normal set, throwing a few new ones in too. I heard the familiar bass notes to She's Kinda Hot start to play.

Luke began to sing along with crowd My girlfriends bitchin' cause I always sleep in. She's always screaming when she's calling a friend she's kinda hot though. Luke found me in the crowd and sang to me, ya she's fucking hot though he winked to me which made me burst out laughing.

He smirked, knowing that lyric change would earn him  serious brownie points. They sang the chorus, Luke not taking his eyes off me the whole time. They finished out the show with She Looks So Perfect, causing huge eruptions of noise throughout the arena.

After the show, we went straight back to the hotel. I waited in the lobby for Luke, before going to the room. Once we got up to our room, I threw myself on the bed stomach down with my arms and legs spread out like a starfish.

Luke laughed at my actions. "Tired babe?  "Mhmm" I moaned into the pillow, probably sounding like a cow. I got up and put my pajamas on before crawling back in bed.

Luke did the same, and crawled in as well, cuddling up next to me. I turned so I could face him. "I'm so proud of you. You did awesome up there." I lightly kissed his cheek. "I love you so much. It feels so good to finally say that out loud." I smiled, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck. "I love you Luke, goodnight."

As I closed my eyes, I thought about how lucky I was. I remember laying in bed staring at my posters, dreaming about the boy on it, and now I'm laying in his arms. Hearing the steady sound of his heartbeat as I fell asleep was a sound I would never get tired of hearing.

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