Chapter 21

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I've been at Luke's almost everyday since he got the apartment. I've also been staying over a lot, in fact I have a ton of my clothes and stuff here now. Not that I don't love my mom and house, but I love the privacy we have. Today, we were having everyone over because they didn't see it yet. I got up early and threw on a pair of sweats before starting to clean the apartment. I love Luke, but the boy can be a real slob. I guess that's what happens when you're a teenage guy living by yourself.

I was dusting around the living room when a pair of arms snaked around my waist. "You got up without me", he mumbled into my neck. I turned myself around so I was facing him and quickly pecked his lips. "We can't have people over with the place a mess" I told him. "They're not coming 'till later, come back to bed with me" he said pouting out his bottom lip. I sighed and gave in. "Ugh fine". All I had left to do was vacuum, and I could do that later. Besides, how can I refuse cuddling with my favorite boy.

We must have slept in another 3 hours because when I woke up, it was 2:00. Talk about sleeping the day away. Amanda and the guys weren't coming until 4; however I still needed to get ready, finish cleaning, and order the food. I nudged Luke for him to get up, and began finishing what I started before. I quickly vacuumed the carpet, before going to get in the shower fast. I didn't wash my hair because I just didn't have time. I quickly threw on a pair of jeans and my favorite All Time Low t-shirt and threw my hair up in a bun. Very presentable, I know. Luckily it was just my friends anyway.

I went out to the main room to see Luke playing video games. I mentally rolled my eyes; at least he was dressed though. I called to order the pizza right when the doorbell rang. I went to open it, but they let themselves in. "Hello, hi, come in" I said sarcastically. Mikey, Calum, Ash and Chris went straight over to the couch and joined Luke playing games.

Yes, I invited Chris. I wasn't worried about everyone not getting along anymore.  Amanda came with me into the kitchen. "Woah" she said, I'm assuming about the apartment. "This is where you live!?"  "Yeah" I smiled, "well technically live anyway. I don't really live here."  "It's beautiful". I smiled and agreed with her.

I yelled to the guys what kind of pizza they want earning various screams of "pepperoni!" and "pineapple!" I got their orders and called before going to join them in the other room. We were all seated except for Michael. "What's wrong, aren't you going to sit?" I asked confused.

"I don't want to sit somewhere you two had sex" he replied with a slight look of disgust on his face. Luke just chuckled and smirked "might be hard".

"Whatever, I'll just sit on the floor". Luke's smirk grew even more. "Might not want to sit there either" he said winking towards me. "Ugh, I'll just sit on the counter then!" Michael said in annoyance. "Actually- Luke started to say before being cut off by everyone yelling in disgust.

"Gross! Seriously you guys?  People eat here! You know what just I'll stand, although you probably did it standing up too" Michael said causing Luke to chuckle. Everyone looked at me, making my face turn bright red.

The doorbell rang and I sprang up to get it, silently thanking the pizza guy. I handed him the cash and closed the door.

"Guys pizza!"  "We're right here you don't need to scream" Calum said, emphasizing the word scream, obviously proud of his pun.  "Oh, all of you can go" I said. "Yes, please do" Luke said winking, causing everyone to gripe and complain again. "Relax I'm kidding" he said but the look on his face was telling me he wasn't.

After we all ate, we decided to put a movie on. "Mean Girls!" they all shouted, but mostly Luke. "Cmon, we always watch Mean Girls" I said. "Ya cause it's a great movie" Luke said taking it out of my hands and sliding it in the DVD player. We all sat around the TV, Michael and Ashton on the main couch, Amanda and Calum on the chase lounge, and Luke and I on the smaller couch.

Halfway through the movie, I felt a hand sliding up my thigh. I snapped my head to Luke, who was smirking, still focused on the movie.

He began rubbing circles on my inner thigh, causing me to involuntary moan a little. I was praying no one heard it; I'll already never live down what happened before. He unbuttoned my jeans under the blanket, and slid his hand in. He knew I hated to be teased, which is exactly why he kept doing it.

Keeping his eyes on the movie, he slid my underwear to the side and started rubbing circles on my clit. My breath hitched in my throat as he slowly slid one finger into me. He began pumping it in and out of me. Everyone, oblivious to what was going on, was focused on the TV screen, including Luke. Just to be a bigger tease, he added another finger, and rubbed circles with his thumb.

I bit down on my lip, trying to stop myself from moaning. He continued to tease me by pumping his fingers and curling them inside me. I could feel myself approaching my high, and I squirmed in my seat. I tried crossing my legs, but he wouldn't let me budge.

My breathing became heavy, as I got closer and closer to my high. I whimpered slightly much louder than I anticipated. Calum looked over to me and raised his eyebrows, obviously suspicious to what was going on.

I tried to act as normal as possible but I couldn't stop myself from squirming around. "Something wrong Alisa?" Calum asked on purpose. "N-no I'm j-just cold-d" I lied.

Everybody was looking at me now, and the smirk on Luke's face made it obvious to everyone what was going on. "We're um gonna go" Ashton said. "It looks like you guys are busy" he chucked. My face turned bright red, for probably the millionth time tonight. Everyone got up and followed him.

As soon as the door closed, I grabbed Luke by the shirt and crashed my lips into his. "So eager aren't you baby?" He whispered in my ear. "Shut up" I said before reconnecting our lips. He picked me up and carried me to the bathroom, sitting me on the counter. I tugged at his shirt as he pulled it off, along with mine. He unclasped my bra, and threw it on the floor, along with the rest of our clothing.

He lifted me off the counter and into the shower turning the water on. He pushed me into the wall and slammed into me, leaving me a moaning mess. I was still sensitive from his fingers, which made me even weaker for his touch. "Luke!" I panted. "I love you" he said thrusting into me. "I love you too" I said throwing my head back in pleasure. Within seconds we both reached our highs. He carried me out of the shower and wrapped a towel around me, softly kissing my lips.

The two of us dried off and climbed into bed. As much as I wanted to stay all night with him, I felt bad for leaving my mom so much in that big house all by herself. "I should get going too, I don't want to drive home too late" I said starting to get up. "Then stay" he whined pulling me back down, "and move in with me".

My eyes widened. "What?" I said in disbelief.

"Move in with me" He said it like it was that easy. "What about my mom, I can't, I can't just leave her Luke".

"Why not? You already basically live here, and you'd be leaving soon for college anyway" he said. He had a point, but I couldn't just leave her. My dad already left, I wasn't about to either.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Absolutely. Alisa, I love you. I want to share this with you, and I want you to be the first thing I see in the morning, and the last thing I see when I fall asleep. I want to wake up and make pancakes with you on Saturday mornings, and dance around the kitchen with you at midnight, and I want to stay in bed with you all day on rainy days. I want you to live here with me." My heart fluttered at his words.

"So, what do you say?"

Do you think she'll move in?? Comment what you think :-)
Also, I just wanted to say that I put a lot of effort into writing this so please tell me if you like it/what I can do better! Xx

Superstar // l.hDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora