Chapter 39

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The last time you saw me Luke showed up to my dorm room, reconnecting us after months of separation. After that night a lot changed for me, in fact a lot had changed for us in 3 months.

After that magical night–which so quickly came to a halt due to Hadley's flight getting cancelled and her showing back up only to find the one and only "love of her life" casually lying in bed with me–Luke and I realized how much we missed each other and vowed right there in the brisk dusk of morning light peeping through the curtains, only displaying each other's faces in the darkness, that we could never be apart again.

That night we made a promise to each other, and since we have not been happier. I remember what I had told Amanda that night how sometimes people have to be apart, and if they're meant to be, somehow they'll find their way back to each other. It's crazy how true that can be.

Enough about that night, let's talk about what has happened since then. A week after our reunion, Luke left to write their 3rd album and prepare for upcoming shows they would have in the upcoming year.

I, after a lot of thinking, dropped out of college. I decided the whole campus chaos just wasn't my speed. I moved back to Los Angeles to focus on my own music career which I always dreamed of pursuing, and of course to be close to Luke and my mother.

Luke and I couldn't get back our beautiful apartment unfortunately, but we did have this amazing new house–well Luke did, but he begged me to move in. We also got the cutest little bulldog in which we recused.

Life, of course, isn't always perfect. My mom lost her job and lived with Luke and us for a while until she got back on her feet, but now has an amazing job as an assistant for a management company and even got a brand new apartment down in Inglewood.

I was quite surprised how supportive she was of my decision to leave New York, but I'm thankful nonetheless. Life has a weird way of guiding you, but I know I made the right choice and as of right now, I couldn't be happier.


"Luke!" I yelled annoyingly at my long haired curly boyfriend.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Luke looks like modern day John Bender, but don't get me wrong I think it's sexy as hell.

"What are you doing playing video games you have to pack babe" I said, sighing and making my way over to where he was too concentrated on winning the Daisy Cup on Mario Cart to even hear me.


"I heard you" he mumbled. He paused the game and pulled me in nearly knocking me off the couch.

"But packing means leaving you" he whispered into the back of my neck.

I smiled and turned around so I was facing him. "Too bad you got a bunch of people waiting for you" I said booping his nose.

"I'll be in in a minute" he whispered kissing the bridge of my nose and then my head.

Much to my surprise, he actually came in a minute later and finished packing. I got a melancholy feeling inside me. Every time it's the same cycle, I know he has to go but my heart doesn't want to let him.

He must have noticed my sudden drop of mood because he came out of the bathroom and sat next to me.

"What? You're the one who told me to pack" he said jokingly.

I sighed and threw myself back on the bed.

"I know. It's just last time you left—
"I was an idiot" Luke said cutting me off.

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