Chapter 17

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Luke POV

After last night,  I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Alisa wasn't herself, and I didn't know why. All I could think was one thing-Chris. All night he acted as if he didn't want to be there.

Something must've happened when Alisa went in the kitchen, and I was going to find out. I knew if I asked her she wouldn't tell me, so I decided I'd ask Amanda.

She knows Alisa better than anybody, after all they tell each other everything. I carefully untangled myself from Alisa's arms trying my best not to wake her. I changed into some real clothes, and left for Amanda's house.

It was only 9 am but I didn't want Alisa to know I was going. I hated keeping things from her, but I didn't want to make her angry. Plus, I didn't know if she was still upset from whatever happened last night.

Amanda  lived only a few blocks away, so I got there quickly. I walked up the pathway to her door, and texted her to come down, so I wouldn't wake everyone up with the doorbell.

A few seconds later, I heard footsteps and the door opened. "Luke, what are you doing here at 9am?"  "I need to talk to about Alisa, and you know her better than anyone so I thought you might be able to help".

She stepped to the side letting me in. "But why at 9 am on a Saturday" she pouted. "Today's my sleep in day". I ignored her comment and followed her up to her room.

I took a seat on her desk chair, and she sat down criss cross on the bed. "So what's up? Are you two fighting?"  "No, it's just.. last night she seemed pretty upset and I don't know why. She was fine all night, until I saw her with Chris in the kitchen. I was hoping you'd know something about that."

I could see her face drop a little. I needed to know what was going on-now. "That's just Chris. For some reason he's always gotten super protective whenever Alisa talks to guys or someone likes her. I don't know if he's jealous or what, but he doesn't like any guy around her. Don't take it personally."

I sat there for a moment before saying anything. I don't know why but I felt angry in a way. I don't care if they're best friends it's my job to protect her, not his. "Why wouldn't he like me? He doesn't even know me." I said.

Amanda just shrugged "Like I said, he's like that everyone. It's just who he is".  "Why was Alisa upset though? I need to know what he said to her in the kitchen".  "Maybe just try talking to her. Even if she doesn't tell you, it's worth a shot".  "You're right, thanks for the help. I'm gonna go talk to her".

Alisa POV

When I woke up, Luke wasn't beside me. I was confused to where he would be. He always stays in bed with me until I wake up. I didn't overthink it, he's probably just busy.

I got out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants and one of Luke's t-shirts. Then I noticed his pajamas on the floor. Where could he have gone? I went downstairs to pour a bowl of cereal when I heard the front door shut.

"Hello?"  "Baby?"  "Luke? Where did you go?" He placed a small kiss on my forehead. "Amanda's, I needed to talk to her about something".  "Oh. Is everything ok?" I asked. "Yeah but can I talk to you?" I nodded and sat down on the couch.

Luke followed and sat down next to me. He looked bewildered over something. "What did you need to talk about?" I tried to act calm but I was kind of scared. Nothing good ever follows 'we need to talk'. "About last night, what were you and Chris talking about? I know you were upset about something".

I could feel the anger returning as I remembered last nights events. "If you really want to know the truth, he just kept saying things like I barely know you, and we're moving too fast and that you're only going to break my heart. I know that's not true, that's why I got so upset".

It was silent for a minute as I studied Luke's face. He looked emotionless. "Do you think we're moving too fast?"  "No! Luke I don't care what he thinks, I love you". I took his hand and started rubbing circles with my thumb. "I love you too, and Alisa I promise I would never hurt you".

I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I know".  He hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Go get dressed, I want to take you somewhere". I looked down at my lovely outfit choice. "I am dressed".  "Well then cmon" he said pulling me up. "Where are we going?"  "Somewhere, just trust me".  "Can I eat first?" I said with my best puppy dog eyes.

Luke chuckled, "sure princess". The nickname sent butterflies through my stomach. I'm not gonna lie, it kind of turned me on. I quickly grabbed a banana and my shoes, and we headed out the door. "By the way nice shirt"

Luke smirked at me. "Thanks" I smirked back. He leaned down and whispered in my ear "you look hot in my clothes". I just giggled "cmon superstar". We drove and drove until we stopped in what looked like the woods. "Uhh Luke, where the heck are we?" 

He just smiled and took my hand. "You'll see". He led me through a path of trees and twigs until we reached a beautiful waterfall. My jaw dropped at the sight. "This is beautiful. How'd you find this place?"  "I found it when we were here about a year ago. I like to think of it as my little getaway."  "It's amazing".

I walked closer to get a better look. I stretched my arms out and tilted my head back, letting the cool mist wash over me. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. "Oh jack!" I said. "I'm Luke, Jack's my brother" he teased. "Way to ruin the moment." I leaned up and pecked his lips. "I know who you are" I mumbled into the kiss. "You're the guy from that boyband right?"  "Oh that's it".

He picked me up and carried me right under the water. "Luke!" I screamed. "I'm soaking wet!" He let me go and I instantly started splashing him. "You wanna play Titanic baby? Here you go you're in the water."

He grabbed my waist and pulled me down underwater. "I hate you" I said splashing him. "No you don't". He placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss. His hands found my hair and he started running his fingers through it. "I love you" he said when we pulled away. "You're such an idiot".

I grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him in for another kiss. He looked so gorgeous with tiny water droplets dripping down his face and eyelashes. "You love me" he said with a smirk. I couldn't help but smile. "Ya I do".

We spent the rest of the day running around and playing like little kids, until it was near sunset. "We should probably head back" I said. He tilted his head saying lets go and took my hand. "C'mon Rose".

I laughed at his words. After all yesterday's drama, this was just what I needed-a perfect, carefree day with my amazing boyfriend. Needless to say, I got what I wanted. It was an amazing day, and I wouldn't choose to spend it with anyone else.

This chapter was kind of cheesy but if you don't like reading cheesy couple stuff than I hate to tell ya but there's gonna be a lot more :) I hope you love the story so far and if you want you can check out my other stuff? Maybe? Please?

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