Chapter 31

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I couldn't sleep at all last night. Every time I closed my eyes, all I can see were the horrors of policemen in my kitchen holding up guns, and the possibility of me almost getting kidnapped. I woke up at least three times with nightmares but thank goodness my mom was there to calm me down.

I looked at the clock to see it was 9:30. The first thing I wanted to do before I went to the hospital was go check on Calum, Michael and Ashton. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed into the same pair of jeans I've wore for literally 3 days straight now, and a random crop top I found on the bathroom floor.

None of my clothes were clean, since the laundry I was going to do last night obviously got interrupted with more important matters. Right as I was about to walk out the door, I saw a note left in the counter.

Didn't want to wake you. I had to get up early for work, please stay safe. Tell me if you're going somewhere. I probably won't come back  so call me and let me know where you are.
Love you, Mom

I quickly texted her telling her I was going to the neighbors, and then to see Luke. I didn't wait on a reply because I knew she was working so I threw my phone in my purse.

I walked across the lawn to the apartment across from ours, and knocked on the door. I stood and anxiously waited for the door to open. Footsteps made their way to the door and seconds later it opened to one of the elderly women I recognized from last night.

She looked at me with a sympathetic look on her face and her arms out as if for me to hug her. "Oh Alisa honey! Come in!"

As soon as I stepped inside she squeezed me into a huge bear hug. "How are you sweetheart, can I get you anything?" She asked with the same melancholy tone people used if your dog died or you lost your job.

"Um, no thank you. I came to see if the boys were okay?" I said biting my lip, thinking about the previous state I last saw them in.

"Of course. They're still sleeping, shall I wake them up?"

"Oh no. I'll just wait if that's ok with you." She nodded and led me over to the couch where I awkwardly sat with her.

I hoped they wouldn't be asleep too much longer. I wanted to go see Luke as soon as possible. I also didn't want to have to sit here and be stared at by my neighbor who was giving me pity smiles.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, nothing but the sound of her antique cuckoo clock heard.

I cleared my throat, "thank you so much again for letting them stay here. I'm sorry for all the panic last night."

"Oh anytime!" She said with the same sorrow in her voice. "It's nice to have some company around here once in a while."

I felt kind of bad for the woman, I mean she lived here all alone with a bunch of young couples, who now that I think about it could probably hear all the time... I shuddered at the thought.

I was just about to give up and come back later when I heard footsteps coming down the hall. I jumped up when I saw the familiar red head step into the room with a bruised eye and busted lip.

"Michael! Oh my god are you okay?" I pulled him into a hug which he immediately returned. "I'm ok. Just a little sore."

"Alisa?" I heard someone mumble. There standing were the two other boys in the same condition. My face fell when I saw the bruises on each of their faces. I hugged each of them and told them a million times how sorry I was for putting them in that position.

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