Chapter 29

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I woke up still on the couch with Luke silently sleeping beside me. It seems everyone slept over because the entire living room was full of people sprawled out across the couches and floor. It literally looked like a murder scene.

I carefully untangled myself from Luke's arms and got up to use the bathroom. I figured I'd shower now before everyone woke up. I grabbed my clothes and a towel and went into the bathroom.

When I finished showering I went back out to see Luke sitting on the couch with a bowl of cereal. "There you are. I was wondering where you went." He lazily smiled. I giggled and walked over sitting next to him.

"Speaking of going places, where did everyone go?"

"I kicked them out". They must have woken up shortly after I went to shower. I laughed because I wouldn't be surprised that Luke kicked them out.

"So" he started to say. "Do you have plans today?" He asked with a smirk. "I don't know do I?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

He placed a small kiss on my lips and smiled into it. "I want to take you somewhere" he whispered against my mouth. We both went to finish getting ready, and packed a small lunch for ourselves because Luke 'insisted'.


"Where are we going?" I laughed. We've been driving for what felt like hours. I saw what looked like a port in the distance, but realized once we got closer it was a boardwalk. We pulled into a tiny parking lot and got out of the car, grabbing our picnic basket with our lunch and a blanket.

"You took me to the beach?" I said excitedly.

Luke took my hand and lead me down the pier. "Not just any beach" he said smiling widely.

"Welcome to Santa Cruz beach." I bit my lip trying to hold back a smile but I couldn't contain it. I guess I wasn't exaggerating when I said it felt like we've been driving for hours.

"Really? I lived in California my whole life and I always wanted to come here." I said as I started running down the beach. I heard Luke chuckle from behind me. "I know, that's why I took you."

He caught up with me and wrapped his arms around my waist so my back was leaning against his torso. It was still early so there weren't that many people here yet. I was thankful we'd get some privacy before people started flooding in.

It was now currently about one or two in the afternoon and people continued to crowd in. I hadn't brought my bathing suit so I had to go in the ocean in my shorts and bra. Yes, I realize this is a public beach but what's the difference than wearing a bikini top?

Luke kicked me with water, and I knew exactly what he was getting at. "Are you really going to make me play this game?" I smirked. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said trying to act innocent. As if that boy is anything close to innocent.

I playfully rolled my eyes and splashed him back. I stuck out my tongue and tried to run away but I wasn't fast enough. Luke picked me up and threw me in the water.

"Luke!" I screeched. Once I returned to the surface and was now completely soaked, I glared hard at him. I watched as he cracked himself up because there was a piece of seaweed on the top of my head.

"Ok Hemmings" I said ringing out my messy bun that now looked like a soggy blob of hair. "You wanna dance? Let's dance."

We were now in an all out splash war and by far, I was losing. I continued kicking and throwing water in his face, and him in mine.

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