Chapter 33: Part 1

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Alisa POV

Today was finally the day. The day I have been both dreading and counting down for since I could remember–graduation. Everyone makes your graduation day out to be an exciting and happy time, as you step into your future as an independent individual. Well not me.

Instead of being happy and excited like I should be, I'm terrified. Of course I couldn't be happier to finally leave the living hell called high school, but what now? I had absolutely no idea what would happen next.

While all of my classmates will walk across that stage with the future in their hands, and a plan; I will be walking across with nothing but pure fear that I will do nothing with my life.

I've always dreamt of going to college, and becoming a fancy lawyer or doctor of some sort, but I just always thought I wasn't good enough to get in. For that reason, I never really put in the effort to get good grades or make an impressive record.

It wasn't until recently, that I wanted to push myself and do better in school. I talked with my counselor early in the semester and she told me if I really tried and applied for college, she would write me a good recommendation. At first I thought it was silly to start trying my last semester of my senior year, but I really tried my hardest and I surprisingly ended the year with mostly B's and C's.

They still weren't good enough grades to be accepted anywhere this late, but I started researching colleges anyway. I applied to several but I never got any letters or answers back. Now it was 9:30 in the morning, 2 hours before I would graduate and I still had no clue if my future was bright or if I'd be working at coffee shops for the rest of my life.

I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs. My mom was outside setting up tables and decorations for my party later. I didn't even want a party to begin with. I wasn't exactly keen on having a bunch of our family and friends pretend to be happy for me when in reality they all know I was a failure.

"There she is! My little graduate!" My mother said in a high pitched sing-song voice. "Mom, it's not that big of a deal" I said.

"I just can't believe my baby is growing up!" She said squeezing me in a hug.

"Hey have you gotten the mail today?" I asked after she released me. "No why, are you expecting something?" I didn't tell my mom I was planning on going to college until I knew for sure. I just didn't want to get her hopes up, if I wasn't going to get in.

"No, just wondering." I said, slightly disappointed. It's not like I was expecting anything, even though I still had a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe some place would want me.

I went outside and got the mail, holding my breath as I flipped through. Bill, bill, boring nature magazine Mom subscribes to, bill, and then there it was. A small rectangular envelope with Alisa Adams written in fancy script. It was from New York University. Could it be? I thought.

I grabbed the envelope and ran up to my room. My hands shook as I carefully ripped open the seal. Of all the colleges I applied to, this was my first choice. I paced around my room avoiding the piece of paper that lay on my bed haunting me. After 10 minutes of doing anything but reading what the letter said, I finally built up the courage and read it.

I took a deep breath and let my eyes scan the print.

Dear Ms. Adams,
      We at the New York University Board of Admissions thank you for your application. Due to your academic performance and achievements, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into our incoming freshman class. We hope you consider New York University as your choice to start your career path, and we look forward to seeing you this fall.

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