Chapter 20

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Today Luke and I were going apartment hunting. I was still a little upset he wouldn't be around all the time, but it'll be nice to finally have some privacy. I think my mom was secretly happy as well to have her house back.

I was finishing up my makeup when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. "Hey babe, almost ready?"  "Ya, just give me a few minutes". He sat down on the bed and from what I saw out of the corner of my eye, was looking at something on my desk. He got up and walked over, but I ignored him and continued to get ready.

I finished putting on my mascara and walked out to where Luke was. He was holding a notebook of some sort. "You never told me you wrote songs" he said flipping through pages. "I'm no one special just another wide eyed girl who's desperately in love with you" he read aloud. I could feel my cheeks turning pink. "Oh. Ya, that's just something I wrote before I met you. Back when I never thought I would".

I grabbed the notebook out of his hands, still blushing in embarrassment. He smiled at how sheepish I was.  "Well I think you're pretty special" he said pecking my lips. I returned the kiss, smiling into it. "C'mon, or we're gonna be late" I said.

Our appointment with the realtor was at twelve thirty. It was currently noon and we were to meet her at the first apartment complexes across town. They were a lot closer than I thought, only a little over 10 minutes.

When we arrived, we saw a brown haired woman, who looked in her middle thirties standing at the entrance. She was wearing a business type pantsuit with her hair pulled back in neat bun. "Hello, I'm Nicole. You must be Luke and Alisa." She said hesitantly.

She probably wasn't expecting two 18 year olds to be looking for apartments but we nodded and smiled as she led us inside. The lobby was small, but nicely decorated. Nicole took us up to the third floor while describing all the features and square footage of the apartment, none of which I understood.

As soon as you walked in there was a small living area, and small kitchen to the right. To the left was a tiny bedroom, which Luke pulled me right towards. I swear that kid was always in the mood, but I wasn't complaining. 

"It's a little small" he said. We walked around the rest of the apartment looking at each room. The bathroom only had a tub, which I knew Luke hated. "What do you think?" Nicole said. "I don't think this is it" I said looking to Luke for reassurance. He agreed, and we went back down to the lobby to go to the next place.

We've been looking for at least 2 hours now, and we were both getting restless and annoyed. "Why don't we look another day?" I suggested. "It's getting late and I'm tired."  "Me too, but I really wanted to find one today. Just one more, I promise". This place was a little farther away from my house.

I prayed Luke would like this one, and I guess myself as well since I'd be over quite a lot. Nicole led us into a big building, and my eyes immediately lit up. The lobby was huge, with giant black leather sofas and chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. I had a feeling about this one. We made our way upstairs and I crossed my fingers it would be nice. As we walked inside, nice was an understatement.

This place was gorgeous. In the middle of the room was a big red couch in front of giant glass windows. The view of the city was spectacular. On the wall was a giant flat screen TV. To the right, there was a beautiful kitchen with marble countertops and all new stainless steel appliances. I walked into the bedroom, and I think my jaw literally dropped.

There was a huge king sized bed, along with another big window overlooking the city. There was a bathroom to the left with a huge shower, and jacuzzi tub. If Luke wasn't going to live here, I would. "This place is gorgeous" I whispered to Luke.

He looked at me and smiled. "I love it. This is definitely the one" he said. Then it hit me. There's no way this place was in either of our budgets. "Luke, it's too expensive. How will you able to afford this?"  "Babe, are you forgetting I'm in a band that makes quite a lot of money?" he said. I smiled and bit my lip. "Could we have it?"

He smiled and called Nicole. "I think I'll take this one" he said smiling. She gave us a down payment, saying it would be ready to move in whenever we were ready. She handed us a key and then left. I ran into the bedroom and collapsed on the bed. I let out a big sigh as Luke jumped on the bed beside me.

"You know" he said tugging at the hem of my jeans "I might need some help breaking it in". I smirked, rolling on top of him so I was straddling him. "I might be able to help you out" I said biting down on my lip. I began unbuttoning his shirt before pulling mine off and throwing it on the floor.

Once he did the same, he rolled me back over and began sucking my neck. "I wonder how many people fucked on this bed" he whispered in my ear. "Gross. You're ruining it" I whispered back. He continued kissing and sucking down my neck to my collarbones. "I bet none as hard as I'm gonna fuck you". I impatiently unclasped my bra and threw it to the side.

Luke cupped my breast in one hand, lightly massaging it while sucking on my other nipple. I could feel him growing harder, so just to tease him I started palming him through his jeans.

"Fuck" he moaned under his breath. He stood up pulling his pants off along with his boxers. I never got tired of the sight of him. He pulled down my jeans and panties, leaving me fully exposed to him.

I was getting hornier and hornier by the minute, and I couldn't take it any longer. I needed him now. I spread my legs and pulled him down to where I wanted him most. "Touch me Luke". He sucked up my thighs before running his tongue up and down my clit. The feeling of his beard between my legs turned me on even more. "Fuck Luke right there" I moaned. I could feel myself approaching my first high.

He continued sucking and eating me out, and I could feel myself begin to cum. "Lukee". He brought his thumb to my clit and started rubbing figure eights.

I was just about to finish when he stopped. "Luke what the hell?" I said frustrated. "Not yet baby girl, I need to be inside you". He grabbed a condom out of his pocket, ripping it open with his teeth and sliding it on.

He grabbed both my arms holding them down above my head and thrusted into me. I couldn't stop the moans and string of profanities from escaping my mouth. "Luke!" I yelled. I tried moving my arms but he wouldn't budge.

"Luke I-I'm gonna-" he cut me off by slamming his lips into mine. He thrusted into me at a much faster pace, leaving me a moaning mess. "Lu-uke" I screamed. "That's right princess scream my name. Let everyone know who's fucking you this good".

Within seconds we both reached our highs and collapsed on the bed. "I love you" he said pulling me into him. "I love you Luke". I put my hand behind his neck, playing with his little curls. He pressed his lips to mine making my insides flip.

No matter how many times we've kissed before, he never failed to give me butterflies every time. "As much as I want to stay, I told my mom I'd be home for dinner" I said pouting out my lip. "Call me later?" I nodded before kissing him once more and getting dressed.

I was barely able to drive home I was so sore. I was still slightly sweaty and if I'm being honest, it turned me on. It took everything in me not to turn around and go back, but I knew my mom would kill me.

When I got home, dinner was already on the table. "Oh good, you're just in time!" My mom said. "Why is your shirt inside out?" My eyes widened and I looked down to see she was right. I got dressed so fast I wasn't even paying attention. "I-it's supposed to look like that geez" I sprinted up to my room, hopefully avoiding eye contact with her for the rest of the night.

Luke would've known it was inside out and just didn't say anything-little shit. I could picture him now laying down and smirking. I changed into sweats and a t shirt and awkwardly went back downstairs.

After dinner, I went back to my room. I smiled as I picked up my songwriting notebook. I began looking through the one Luke and I were earlier. It's strange to think about the girl I was not even a year ago, to who I am now. That girl certainly didn't know she'd be dating Luke Hemmings. It's funny how things work out sometimes.

I want Luke to fuck me to 1975 playing in the background wbu 😊🔫

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