Chapter 27

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I was startled awake by the loud buzzing of my alarm clock. "Ugh" I mumbled into the pillow. After a well deserved break, I unfortunately had to go back to school. I went to get out of bed, but was pulled back down. "Do you have to go?" Luke mumbled into my neck.

"I wish I didn't but yes I do so will you please let me get dressed?" He mumbled something into my hair that I didn't make out and wrapped his arms tighter around me. "Luke-e" I whined. "Kiss me first." I turned myself around and quickly pecked his lips. "There, now can I go get ready?" "One more."

I smiled and brought my lips to his once more, pulling away a little slower this time. He released me from his grasp, and I went into the bathroom to shower.

I turned the water off and wrapped my body and hair in a towel. I went out to the bedroom, seeing Luke pulling on a pair of jeans. "Do you own any other type of pants" I chuckled to myself. "Nope" he said popping the 'p'.

I didn't exactly feel like trying today, so I grabbed a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater and threw them on quickly. I saw Luke sitting on the bed smirking out of the corner of my eye. I went to put my shirt on when I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist. He started placing small, wet kisses on the back of my neck. "Think of all the fun we could have if you stay home". He whispered in my ear.

"As tempting as that sounds, you're not bribing me with sex to stay home" I said prying his arms off me. "Who said anything about bribing?" The same smirk appeared on his face and I just playfully rolled my eyes and continued to get dressed.

Luke, after several attempts to seduce me into staying home, eventually went out into the living room. I put on some eyeliner and mascara and threw my hair up in a messy bun. I slipped on my black converse and grabbed my bag. I was about to leave when I realized the only way to get there was Luke. Great. Now I'll never get there.

He stood up and grabbed the keys "come on, I won't make you late." "Thank you" I said smiling. "Why are you in such a rush to go back to school anyway?" He said once we got in the car. I guess he had a point, why did I want to go back? All it was was a bunch of ego obsessed people who pretended to friends. Though I still needed to go; I still wanted an education.

We pulled up to the front of the school. "Why don't I come get you for lunch?" Luke said kissing my hand. I smiled as I went to get out. "Sure, that'd be great." I quickly kissed him and got out. "Bye, love you." I walked up the path to the front doors. "Love you!" I heard him yell.

I turned around and blew him a kiss before walking into hell. I hate coming back from break. I always feel like it's the first day of school again and I'm the loser who doesn't have any friends. I was walking to my locker when I spotted Amanda. "Oh thank goodness." I said as we continued walking.

"I'm surprised Luke let you come". She chuckled. "What didn't Cal give you problems?" Her face slightly fell. "What happened?" I ask regretting having brought him up. "Nothing, we just had a small fight yesterday." She said looking at the ground. I figured she didn't want to talk about it so I dropped it, changing the subject.

"What's up amigas!" Chris came up yelling behind us. "Why so enthusiastic?" I laughed. "Why not? I'm just so excited to go to chemistry!" He said sarcastically. I playfully rolled my eyes and grabbed the rest of my books.

Amanda and I had the same first class so we walked together. Oh the joys of first hour AP English. We sat at our desks waiting for the bell to ring. I felt a vibrate in my pocket. I pulled my phone instantly smiling.

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