Chapter 32

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I was woken up by my Twitter notifications going off. Grumpily, I reached over and saw the time on my phone read it was 11:45. It was already that late? My eyes widened as I jumped out of bed and hurriedly tried to look presentable within ten minutes.

I planned on getting up early, so I could get up and back to the hospital quickly. I wanted to have all day with Luke, but God decided to punish me today.

I got dressed and did my hair in a record amount of time, and quickly brushed my teeth. Makeup was out of the question today; I didn't need to impress anyone, and Luke wouldn't care. I grabbed my cross body purse and threw on my converse before running out the door.

I tripped down half the steps on my way out the door and almost stepped in dog business getting in the car. That's my life for ya.

I drove slightly faster than usual, but not too fast. I didn't need another speeding ticket. I've had enough of those in my lifetime to start a collection. It's not that I was a bad driver, but I wouldn't say I'm the next Danica Patrick.

I arrived at the hospital, and like expected parking was a bitch. After circling through the parkade at least four times, I finally found a spot. It may have been squished between a giant Suburban and Ford F-150, but hey it was a spot. I walked towards the elevator that would lead me to the main hospital door.

Isn't this the perfect place to get raped, I thought to myself. Thankful to be out of there, I made my way into the hospital. I walked in to see the same snotty woman sitting at the front desk. I put on my best fake smile which was quite the contrast to her bitter poker face.

"Hi. I'm Alisa Adams, I'm here to pick up Luke Hemmings." I told her. She pressed a button and held the phone to her ear. I awkwardly looked around–staring at anything but her. She was like Medusa; I could feel her stone, cold eyes glaring into my soul waiting for me to turn into a statue. That actually doesn't sound that bad, better than having to deal with her.

"I'm gonna need to see some ID" she barked, snapping me out of my thoughts. Of course, the one day I leave it in the car. "Uhm" I said anxiously biting my lip.

"I actually– "baby!" I was cut off by the all too familiar voice coming down the hallway, accompanied by a short, overly friendly nurse. He was smiling one of his big smiles that showed all his teeth. I couldn't help but smile just as big myself.

"Hey stranger" I said giving him a quick peck. His lip and eye were still cut up, but he was still just as beautiful. "It's ok. She's my girlfriend." Luke told the mean lady.

"I don't care if she's the president, unless I see some identification you're not leaving pretty boy." She snapped. "Savage" Luke mumbled. I couldn't help but let out a giggle which I quickly covered up with a fake cough. Luke smirked and bit his lip, pleased with how he just owned this lady.

"Would a picture work?" I asked crossing my fingers. Instead of the answer I was hoping for, I received an 'are you crazy look'. "Unless it's on an ID card, no m'am."

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I'll just run out to the car" I whispered to Luke. "I'll be quick I promise". He gave me a small nod and I quickly rushed out of the building.

The parking lot was a mess, and took me around 15 minutes just to get to the car, let alone get back to the hospital. I swear if this lady wasn't satisfied I was going to ring her throat. People come and pick people up all the time no problem, why must I have a hard time? Oh wait, my life just sucks.

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