Chapter 11

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Alisa POV
I woke up Monday morning with even more post concert depression as the day before. I trudged myself out of bed to get ready for school. I didn't feel like trying today, so I threw on a pair of sweatpants and an All Time Low t-shirt.

I put on simple makeup and threw my hair up in a bun, before heading out the door. I met up with Amanda when I got to school. She looked about the same as me, but slightly more put together. "I just can't believe it's over" she whined. I looked down at my feet , "I know".

The bell rang for our first class and we walked together. All day, I found myself thinking about Luke. It's bad how much I thought of him before, but after seeing him up close and talking to him, I wanted him even more. Knowing I'd never see him again broke my heart.

The rest of the day felt like it went on forever, until finally the bell ring signaling school was over. Amanda offered me to go home with her, but I was so tired I decided I'd just go straight home. The bus let me off at my stop, zooming away past me.

I walked down the street to my house, not even bothering to look up. I walked up my driveway stopping dead in my tracks. My mouth flew open, I couldn't believe the sight before my eyes. There sitting on my front porch was none other than the man himself, Luke Hemmings.
End Flashback

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This had to be a dream, I thought. Luke Hemmings was not on my porch. He stood up and started walking towards me. I was so in shock and disbelief I was barely able to speak.

"L-Luke what are you doing here" I questioned him. "I needed to see you". He smiled at me putting his lip ring between his teeth, and I swear I fell in love right then. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "How did you know where I lived?" He gave me a smirk, "I have my ways".

I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face. "Do you want to come inside?" I was worried he'd say no, then again he had wanted to see me hadn't he? "I'd love to". I took him inside and led him up to my room.

As soon as we walked through the door he bursted out laughing. Oh god, he probably thinks my room is childish. "What?" He pointed to the giant poster I had of him above my desk. I totally forgot that was there. I guess I'd never thought I'd have to hide it. Now it was my turn to burst out laughing. "Hey, don't judge.

"I didn't think you'd ever actually be in here". As cool as I tried to play it, I was internally screaming of embarrassment. He threw himself down on my bed putting my pillow pet behind him. "I'm not judging, I'm flattered."

I smiled and rolled my eyes. I couldn't believe this dork was in my room, laying on my bed. "You really make yourself at home don't you?"  "Yeah" he patted the spot next to him, so I crawled up to where he was sitting making sure to not lay too close.

I wanted to cuddle him so bad. We laid there in silence, but it was not awkward at all. I started playing with a loose string on my t-shirt and stared at the ceiling. My heart was beating so loud, I wouldn't be surprised if he could hear it. It pumped even louder when Luke took my hand, lightly intertwining our fingers.

His hands felt so warm and soft around mine. I looked over into his blue eyes, and he stared right back at me. He pushed a piece of hair out of my face with his other hand. His gentle touch was enough to send electricity through my body. "Luke" I whispered. "What are you doing". I knew exactly what he was doing, and I was in no way going to try to stop it.

Before I could finish my thought he leaned over and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed him back almost instantly. His lips felt so perfect with mine. Not even in my dreams has anything ever felt so right. He softly whispered "something I should've done before". We stayed tangled up and kissing for a while until I finally pulled away.

I could've stayed here with him all night; with him time just stopped. He looked over at the clock and mumbled something under his breath. I couldn't tell what he said but I heard him sigh. "What's wrong?"  "I have to get to the airport", he said "if I'm not in Seattle by tonight the guys will kill me".

I didn't want him to leave yet, I needed more time. "Let me drive you".  "I don't want to inconvenience you, I'll just take a cab". I wasn't taking no for an answer, not this time. "No please, I want to". I don't even care if I sounded desperate, I wanted as much time with him as I can get.

He agreed to let me take him, and we both made our way downstairs. I grabbed my keys on the counter and the two of us left. The airport was only 15 minutes from my house, but I was trying to stall so the drive would be longer.

Selfish? Maybe, but I'm not sorry. I took the long way, making the drive a total of 30 minutes. I turned up the radio and Greenday was playing. I watched as Luke lightly tapped his foot to the rhythm.

He didn't look in a rush, so I continued my slow drive to the airport. When we arrived, I drove around looking for a place to park. I found a spot in a nearby garage away from the drop off. I didn't feel like dealing with any fake airport authority right now.

Luke and I walked inside met with all the busy, airport commotion. Luke's face looked unreadable. He was probably thinking the same about me, not even I knew what I was thinking right now. "I guess this is it then." I said more of a statement than a question.

I didn't even bother to look him in the eye, because I don't think I was able to. Luke took both my hands in his. I closely listened as he began to talk. "Look, I know this is a bad time because I have to leave and everything, but ever since I met you Saturday night I can't get get my mind off of you. I want to know when I come back I can have you to come back to."

Was he confessing his love to me? My mind was all over the place, I didn't even comprehend his next words. "I guess what I'm trying to say is Alisa Adams, will you be my girlfriend?"

He wasn't serious, he couldn't be. I felt like I was part of some sick joke, where a T.V host will pop out any second saying I've been punked. "So...?" He trailed off.

Shoot, I didn't even realize I hadn't answered him yet. Instead of saying yes or no, I grabbed his face and kissed him with the most passion I had. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend Luke" I mumbled against his mouth.

I felt him smile into the kiss, and I smiled back. He leaned back, slightly picking me up so my feet were an inch from the ground. He put me down and looked at me with those beautiful blue orbs.

"I wish I had more time, but I'll be back in a few months beautiful." 

"Don't forget about me, superstar." I lightly nudged his arm, causing him to chuckle. "I can never forget about you". He gave me one last quick peck on the lips, and with that he was gone. Now I just have to get through the longest three months of my life.

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