Chapter 38

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Alisa POV

For once, this week felt surprisingly short. Today was Saturday, which meant I was going out with James tonight. After his apology outside the elevator last week, I feel better about going out with him. I think he finally understands a relationship isn't going to happen–but who knows what the night holds.

I was still sitting in bed scrolling through the channels on our half assed TV the dorm provided when Hadley came out from the bathroom, a toothbrush hanging from her mouth as she pulled her hair in a ponytail.

"You know I'm going out of town until Tuesday right?" she said, or at least what I thought she said through a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Yeah I know" I replied still searching for something to watch.

"A car is picking me up at 1" I heard her say from the bathroom. I looked at the clock to see it was only 10:30. "Ughhh can today just go faster" I groaned into my pillow.

"Why? Cause you have a date with James" she said stressing the syllables, following with kissy noises.

I rolled my eyes as my phone buzzed.

James: I'll pick you up at 6 :-) can't wait for tonight! X

"Ooh is it him" she said as she continued with her flirty noises.

"It's not a date. James and I are friends. Nothing more" I said sternly.

"Ok whatever you say Alisa."

I gave her a mad look and mouthed 'I mean it' to which she just raised her eyebrows.

"What time does your car come again?" I said throwing a pillow at her.

"Hey!" She yelled.

I smirked and picked up my phone to reply to James before beginning to get ready for the day myself.

Luke POV

Today was the day. I was getting my girl back.

I smiled as I noticed our bus driving through the Lincoln Tunnel.

"What are you so smiley about" Michael said. He must have noticed me acting extra happy.

More serious, I asked "do you think I have a good chance of getting Alisa back?"

He looked at me for a moment before smiling slightly.

"Absolutely. You guys are meant to be together; that doesn't mean you should expect her to run right in your arms though. I mean you didn't see her in almost 4 months since you walked out on her." Michael said.

"I know" I said, "but I have a plan"


Alisa POV

It was now 5:30 and I was just finishing the last of my makeup while I waited for James.

I put on my favorite lipgloss that Lu– I always loved, and grabbed my purse just as my phone buzzed from James saying he was downstairs.

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