Chapter 16

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After what felt like a tremendously long two weeks, the boys were finally coming home today. For once, I wouldn't have to worry about when they'd be leaving for a while. I invited Amanda over later, as well as Chris considering he hasn't met Luke yet.

Their flight came in at 1:00 which gave me plenty of time to freshen up and clean the house a little. I started with the basement; that's were we'll most likely be anyway. I vacuumed, and dusted before going to get dressed.

I threw on my favorite skinny jeans with rips in them with a flannel and straightened my hair before leaving for the airport. I didn't stop smiling the whole ride there. I couldn't believe the fans that were lined up at the gate waiting for them.

Seeing how they acted, I almost felt embarrassed I acted like that once. Hundreds of girls suddenly started yelling and pointing, which meant the boys must be here. I saw Calum and Michael walk out followed by Ashton and Luke, loudening the girls cheers. I bit down my lip and smiled.

A bunch of girls called Luke's name for pictures and autographs. He noticed me and mouthed a sorry. I just shrugged and smiled giving him a 'what are you gonna do' look. Once he pushed through the crowd I ran towards him. He dropped his bag and picked me up spinning me around. I immediately started kissing his neck, cheek, shoulder, anywhere I could find.

He put me down and connected our lips, smiling into it. "I missed you so much baby". I couldn't help but smile up at him. "I missed you so much. Cmon lets go home". I helped the guys with their bags, and we walked to the car. I texted Amanda, letting her know we were on our way.

Chris and Amanda showed up shortly after we got home. I put out some bowls with chips and pretzels, as well as some drinks for everyone.

"Chris this is Luke, Michael, Calum and Ashton. Guys this is Chris." I smiled as I introduced them. They all shook hands, and we went downstairs. So far so good, I thought.

For some reason, I had this uneasy feeling they weren't going to like each other, but they seemed to so far. "So you're the famous Luke". Chris said. "Yep, that's me". I could tell Chris had questions for him.

Same for all the guys I would start talking to. He was always more like my brother than my friend, always looking out for me. I was very grateful for that, however sometimes he went too far. "So, how long have you known Alisa?" Luke asked.  "Since we were little"  "That's nice".

"Yep"  Chris replied. Why was he acting so weird all of a sudden? I pulled Amanda aside. "Ok is it just me or this super awkward?"  "You know Chris, he's like this with every guy that's into you".

"I know but, it's almost like he's angry or something".  "I'm sure it's fine, lets just go back with everyone". I really hoped she was right, but something was telling me it wasn't fine.

We put a movie in and all were sitting around the couch. Luke and I were on the small couch, Amanda, Chris and Ashton were on the large one, and Michael and Calum were seated on the floor.

I was cuddled next to Luke under a blanket. I could see Chris staring at me through the corner of my eye, but I refused to look. I couldn't take it anymore. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go make more popcorn" I whispered to Luke. "Want me to come?"  "That's ok".

I got up and walked upstairs to the kitchen. I put the popcorn in the microwave and was pouring myself a glass of water when I heard someone's footsteps behind me. I knew it wasn't Luke because I had told him to stay downstairs. There's only one other person I knew it would be.

The person I wanted to see the least right now. I turned around, and not to my surprise, it was Chris. "Need help?"  "I'm fine". We stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, the only noises coming from the microwave and tv downstairs, before I spoke up. "So what do you think of Luke?"

As soon as I asked I instantly regretted it. Especially since what he said next was not what I was expecting. "He's ok I guess".  "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked. "I just think you guys are moving a little too fast that's all." How could he think we're moving too fast?

Yes we've only been dating for a couple months but how fast or slow mine and Luke's relationship was going wasn't his concern. "No we're not, besides what's it to you anyway?" Now I was getting angry. "Please Alisa, you barely know the guy."  "I know him better than you!"

At this point I was practically yelling. "All I'm saying is you're gonna get your heart broken".  "No I'm not. Luke loves me, and I love him". All he did was scoff. "Whatever, don't come crying to me when you realize I'm right". Before I could say anything else, Luke came up the stairs. "Is everything ok?"

He looked at me, then to Chris then back to me again. I felt like I was on the verge of tears. What was Chris's problem? "Everything's fine" I said. I grabbed my popcorn, pushing past Chris and walked back downstairs.

I got back on the small couch next to Luke. Chris came back down a few seconds after. I didn't even want to look, or talk to him for the rest of the night. I knew the two of them meeting was a bad idea.

Ever since he found out we were dating he acted different. I shot him a quick glare before kissing and sucking behind Luke's ear and down his neck just for spite. I knew this would tick off Chris, but I honestly didn't care.

He was being completely irrational. I could see his jaw start to clench, which only made me continue my little assault on Luke's neck. Luke smiled at me and lightly pecked my lips. After a few more light kisses, it wasn't long before we were fully making out in front of all our friends.

Everyone was too focused on the movie, except for Chris. His eyes shot daggers at me and Luke. He looked like he was about to punch someone. The popcorn bowl "accidentally" tipped over, causing everyone to look up. "My bad" Chris said while glaring at me.

I just shook my head. That's it, I've had enough. "It's getting pretty late, maybe you guys should get going."   "Ya it's been a long day. I'm gonna head out" Ashton said. Michael and Calum got up also "Yeah us too". They offered to drive Amanda home, which just left Chris. Without saying anything he got up walked out the door.

We all said our goodbyes and Luke and I went up to my room. I quickly changed and crawled into bed. "About everything before, are you sure you're ok?" He asked while crawling in next to me "you seemed pretty upset."  "It's nothing. Don't worry about it".  "You know you can tell me anything".

  "I know, really though I'm fine." I put on my best fake smile. "Ok. I love you Alisa. I mean it".  "I love you too Luke." I leaned up and kissed his lips, and the corner of his mouth. I really did believe him.

Despite what anyone else thinks, I don't care. I care about Luke and that's it. Even if he did end up breaking my heart, I wouldn't care. In fact it would be a privilege. All I know is that nothing could ever make me stop loving this boy.

I swear if I see a bunch of TFIOS comments...

Anyway sorry this chapters kind of stupid but if I didn't make at least one character  a douche is this really a fanfiction?

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