Chapter 37

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Luke POV

"Shuppp" I groaned at the boys, who woke me up due to their loud snap-chatting. Today was an off day for us, which meant we could explore or do anything we wanted before getting back on the road.

I planned on sleeping in a little because the most sleep I've gotten in the last month was 3 hours at most. However, thanks to the screaming and loud chatter of the guys, that wasn't happening.

I got up to stretch from the confinement of my tiny bunk and went to see what was causing the boys to be so loud.

Michael and Calum were playing this scary video game of some sort and Ashton was just being Ashton and being loud for no reason.

"Hey look, sleeping beauty's finally up" Ashton teased me. I looked at my reflection in my phone screen and saw my hair was a complete mess, and I still had my disgusting clothes on from yesterday's performance.

"Very funny" I sarcastically said, throwing him a glare. "Hey uh where are we headed tomorrow?" I asked before grabbing fresh clothes and going to shower.

"Holmdel!" I heard one of them yell as I closed the bathroom door. A lump quickly made its way to my throat. in New Jersey, I thought.

I looked at the date on my phone and saw that it was indeed September 15th, which meant that in exactly one week from today, we'd be playing Madison Square Garden. In New York City. Alisa.

I couldn't believe how quickly those months had gone by. I was seeing her in a week. Would she even want to see me? Is she still mad at me? Was a relationship?

Turning the water on, I tried with all my strength to push any negative thoughts out of my head.

I was going to get her back. If it's the last thing I do. I thought to myself.

When I finished showering I decided to go outside and maybe go find somewhere to get coffee. The boys were still playing that dumb game, and I rolled my eyes to myself. If they wanted to spend their whole day stuck on this bus by all means, but I needed to get out.

I walked along the streets of Camden, where we played last night. I remembered seeing a café a few blocks away from the venue, so I decided to walk there. I stopped to take some pictures and meet fans here and there, which was sweet. I always enjoyed meeting people, even if I wasn't in the best mood to socialize.

I walked for a bit more until I found the place. When I was about to order I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see I had a text from Ashton.

Ashton: hey, be back on the bus by 3:30. We're leaving at 4 and have a 2 hour drive.

The time was currently 2:00 which gave me plenty of time. I quickly replied "K" before ordering my drink.

I don't know what was wrong with me, but I wasn't myself today. I was just leaving when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Lukey is that you?" I heard a female voice giggle. I remember that voice–I hated that voice.

I turned around and immediately got sick to my stomach. "Ella" I huffed, not making eye contact. Ella used to be a groupie of mine a long, long time ago. Way long before I met Alisa. I felt disgusted saying that word 'groupie'. I was ashamed and disgusted for ever allowing myself to become one of those cliché, womanizing rockstars I never wanted to become.

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