Chapter 36

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I lightly opened my eyes from the small sliver of morning sunlight shining through the blinds.

5:00. My clock read. "Ugh" I groaned shoving my pillow in my face. Sighing at the fact that I knew I couldn't fall back asleep, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

I didn't have classes today so I decided to do a little sightseeing. I've lived in New York almost a month now and didn't see more than a taxi drive by. I haven't even been to Times Square.

I took a quick shower which consisted more of standing under the steamy water than actually washing, and put on a pair of jeans and an old hoodie that probably belonged to 3 different people before me.

I stepped out into the crisp, autumn air and took a deep breath. The city that never sleeps was not yet alive except for health nuts jogging and the occasional pigeon having a snack on a soft pretzel a child probably dropped there yesterday.

I decided to walk a few blocks to the Starbucks near my building. If I wanted to explore without falling over, I needed caffeine.

As I was walking I began to think of last nights events. I was hoping I would forget in the morning but if anything I remember it more clearly–James and I went for dinner, he tried to kiss me, I cried myself to sleep– I didn't need to remind myself.

I don't know why I was so upset. Half of what happened was on me; blaming James just seemed easier than dealing with my feelings and problems. I walked into Starbucks and a half-asleep guy who looked about a senior in high school monotonously mumbled "What can I get for you?"

I ordered my usual Mocha Frappacino and handed the boy my money.

I decided I'd check out the Statue of Liberty first. The sun was coming up, and the sky looked beautiful. The only problem was there were no ferries running at this hour so I'd have to look at it from a distance.

I felt something furry brush against my leg and looked down to see a small blonde puppy.

"Aw, hi puppy" I cooed. "Are you lost boy?" I said while petting its small head. It was wearing a collar, which made me assume it had lost its owner.

It had fluffy blond curly fur, especially on its ears along with the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen on an animal. It resembled Luke in a way, if he was a dog of course.

"Max!" I heard a female voice yell. I turned around and saw a dark featured, Hispanic looking girl who was rather on the taller side running towards me. She had long black hair that reminded me of Pocahontas. "I'm so sorry! He likes to slip out of his leash" she said panting.

"No worries" I giggled. "He's so cute!" I said, now knowing he was a he. I played and cooed at the playful puppy before standing up.

"Sorry to obsess over your dog" I said realizing I was probably wasting this girl's time.

"It's no problem really, I'm Mya" the girl said.

"I'm Alisa" I smiled politely and played with my sweater paws.

"So, what are you doing up so early? You know it's like 6 am right?" Mya laughed.

"Couldn't sleep" I shrugged. "I figured since I'm new to the city I should explore a little."

"You're new here?" Mya asked as the two of us began walking. Max was sniffing and scoping everything around us like dogs do, and I tried not to get distracted.

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