Chapter 10

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Luke POV

Today was our last day in Los Angeles, and we were currently packing up everything before we left for Seattle. Last nights events flooded through my mind, as I waited for the boys.

I couldn't get Alisa out of my head. Normally, I'm not this attached when it comes to fans, but everything about about her is alluring. The way her eyes crinkle when she smiles, the way her dark brown hair glistens in the moonlight, the way her lips slightly part when she's concentrating; I only know a small part of her but I want to know all of it. I should have kissed her.

Dammit I should have. I wish I could see her just one more time. I needed to see her. I'm interrupted from my daydream by Ashton waving his hand in front of my face. "Luke, I asked if you're ready like ten times"

"Oh, ya sorry it's just...I can't stop thinking about last night". "Ah. Where did you and Alisa run off to?"

"It doesn't matter, she's just a girl I met". But it did matter, and she wasn't just a girl I met, in fact she was unlike any other. I needed an excuse to see her again. I don't know how I planned on doing that, being our flight was in 3 hours, but I did know one thing- that I wasn't leaving until I did.

About 10 minutes later, everyone gathered their bags and made their way to the car. There wasn't a show tonight because of a travel day, which gave me an idea... We arrived at the airport shortly after, and I had a plan. The problem was how I would be able to go through with it.

I looked up at the screen; there was a later flight to Seattle at 9:00. It was currently 2:00; that's plenty of time, I thought. I could go find Alisa and spend time with her, and still make the late flight to be there by tomorrow. The only thing stopping my plan from working was the guys.

It would be obvious if I wasn't on the plane. I figured the best way was to just talk to them. If I wanted to see Alisa again, it looks like that would be the only way. When we got through security I pulled Ashton aside; he was the most understanding. "Hey ash, can I talk to you about something".

"Please don't tell me you lost your shoes again, we don't need a repeat of last time".
"That was one time why won't you just let it go, and I actually wanted to talk to you about something else.."  "Sure, what is it?"  "You need to help me see Alisa again".

"Luke, you don't even know where she is, and LA is a huge city."  "I need to take the chance. Look there's a flight to Seattle at nine, I can make it. You guys go, I'll meet you there. Ash please, I think I might be falling for this girl". 

"Luke you just met her last night, and you were half drunk, are you sure this is a good idea?"  "I wouldn't do this if I didn't see a chance with her, can't you just trust me this once?" He hesitated before answering, "Fine.

I'll let the boys know, but you better be on that flight".  I nodded, and with that I ran out of the airport. Ashton was right, this was a huge city, but I'll search every inch of it if I have to.

Alisa POV

I woke up Monday morning with even more post concert depression as the day before. I trudged myself out of bed to get ready for school. I didn't feel like trying today, so I threw on a pair of sweatpants and an All Time Low t-shirt.

I put on simple makeup and threw my hair up in a bun, before heading out the door. I met up with Amanda when I got to school. She looked about the same as me, but slightly more put together. "I just can't believe it's over" she whined. I looked down at my feet , "I know".

The bell rang for our first class and we walked together. All day, I found myself thinking about Luke. It's bad how much I thought of him before, but after seeing him up close and talking to him, I wanted him even more.

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