Chapter 9

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    "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there"

Even though my head was throbbing and I felt extremely dizzy and lightheaded, I recognized that voice anywhere. My heart started beating erratically as the all too familiar black sleeved hand reached towards me. "Uhm, here let me help you".

Oh. My. God.

"T-thanks" I shakily stood up, though it felt like my legs were going to collapse underneath me again. I looked over to Amanda who was just as in complete shock as me. "No problem, again sorry about that fall.

I'm Luke, what's your name?" Was I seriously standing in front of Luke Hemmings? A huge lump quickly found its way in my throat, and I was at a loss for words. The things he does to me; I could barely find the courage to say my name. "A-Alisa, Alisa Adams ", I croaked out. "It's like Lisa with an 'A' ahah."

God, why did I have to be so awkward. "That's a nice name, Alisa." Just by simply saying my name made me want to rip his clothes off right then and there. Keep it cool, I thought. "And you are?" He said gesturing towards Amanda.

"I'm Amanda, it's so nice to meet you." She was so much better at this than me. "Well", Luke chuckled, "its nice to meet you both too." The awkward silence was enough to take over the room, until Luke finally spoke up.

"Hey umm, normally I'm not supposed to do this, but the guys and I were going to go to a club just down the road, would you two care to join us?" My mom would never approve, if she knew I was going to a club way past my curfew with 4 guys I just met, but what she didn't know won't hurt her.

And besides, it's 5sos how could I refuse? The both of us looked at each other and hesitated. "I-I mean if you want to." "Yes we'd love too!" Amanda practically yelled as I stood nodding my head like a maniac.

He smiled that beautiful smile of his, which made me smile like an idiot. "Cool, um wait here a sec, I'll go tell the guys." He turned the corner and I had to stop myself from screaming.

I grabbed Amanda's hands and the two of us frantically started jumping and dancing in circles. "Omgomgomgomg I can't believe we're going to a club with 5SOS!! Eeeeeeeeep!"

"Ok stay cool! Don't screw up by being weird" I said more to myself than her. Luke came back, luckily not catching me fangirling like crazy and told us the rest of the boys were cool, and were waiting in the bus that would take us outside.

As we walked to the car, I had to force myself to stay calm. I couldn't believe I would be hanging out with 5sos. Luke opened the door letting us in, welcoming us with three more smiley faces. "Hi guys I'm Ashton, and this is Michael and Calum."

They all waved, introducing themselves. "Haha we know exactly who you are, I'm Alisa and this is Amanda." She shot me a  'don't ruin this for me' face and I silently apologized. Dammit Alisa don't be creepy. The club was only about 10 minutes away, so we didn't get to talk much on the way there.

The driver let us out into an alley, which I'm guessing was a back entrance. I could feel the vibration from the music in my chest as we made our way inside. This place was sick. There were several chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, with a purple leopard wallpaper, covered in all retro looking mirrors-definitely not what I pictured it to look like.

Amanda and I followed the guys to a booth. A blonde waitress with bright pink lipstick that looked about in her twenties came over to take our order. The four guys all ordered drinks, then she asked me. "Umm, I'll just have some water thanks", and Amanda ordered the same. I know tonight I was rebelling more than I have in my whole life, but I'd rather not throw alcohol into the mix.

The waitress came back with everyone's drinks, giving me a look of disgust. I didn't understand why some people were so rude for no reason.  Then again, I was sitting with four very attractive guys who were way out of my league.

I let it go, paying attention to more important matters, the four guys in front of me. "You guys played amazing tonight." "Aw thanks for coming out" Ashton replied. After that everyone was silent for a few minutes. You would think I'd have a million questions to ask them and things to talk about, but I couldn't seem to speak tonight.

Little by little, everyone started disappearing. Calum and Amanda were exchanging flirty glances all night, I'm guessing they went off to god knows where; Michael and Ashton were on the dance floor probably grinding on some girls they'd take home tonight...which left me and Luke.

"So, Alisa...tell me about yourself". "Why don't you tell me about yourself, and I'll pretend I already don't know everything." I said back, earning a giggle from Luke. His giggle was so cute. "I asked you first." He smirked. "Fine Hemmings, what would you like to know about my 'fabulous' life?"

I teased, air quoting fabulous. "Everything" "That could take a while, I have a very interesting life" I smirked back. "For starters, my dad left my mom and I when I was little, or at least that's what she told me. I've actually never met him, but I'm not gonna talk about my problems.

Anyway, we moved out to LA when I was just a baby and yeah. I started school, made good friends, I had a great childhood. Lately though, I don't know; it sorta gets lonely sometimes, just me and her. I mean she's always working and stuff." His face was unreadable.

I couldn't tell if I was boring him or if he was actually listening to what I was saying. "Sorry I'm boring you, I don't usually talk about stuff like this", I said looking down at my lap shyly. "You're not boring me" he said with a warm smile, "I want to know, it's actually nice to have a normal conversation for once without people asking for autographs or screaming at me".

"Oh my god can I have your autograph!?" I said sarcastically. "Ha ha very funny, I'm serious. You fascinate me Alisa Adams".

    "But why? I mean my life isn't that fascinating".   "You just do, I can't explain it".

He looked at me just then, in a way I've always wanted him to and for a second I almost thought he might feel something. I'm just being crazy though, guys like him don't love girls like me. Guys at all don't love girls like me.

"Hey, do you want to maybe go on a walk or something?" He asked biting his lip. "Um ok...but what about the others?"  "They'll be alright", he said with a wink. He led me out of the club into the busy streets of LA.

We walked down the streets for quite a bit. I don't even think we were anywhere near the club anymore. By this time, it was probably nearly 2 am, but with Luke time doesn't exist. I never want this night to end. "Do you even know where you're going", I chuckled. "Not at all aha", showing off his dimples again. All of a sudden, he stopped walking.

"Is something wrong"? Instead of answering me he just stared. "What?" "Alisa"  "Luke"  "Alisa" he said again. His eyes flicked back and forth between my eyes and lips. I wanted to kiss him so bad. He leaned in for a brief moment, and every molecule in my body was hoping he would.

"We should get back, it's getting pretty late." I wasn't expecting him to kiss me, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed. But like I said before, guys don't love girls like me. Luke Hemmings doesn't love girls like me. "Ya ok, let's go".

We got back and met up with the others. Amanda looked happier than usual, and Calum had a permanent smirk on his face. I was definitely making her tell me everything tomorrow. The guys took us back to our car and we all had our last hugs, and said our goodbyes.

I texted my mom telling her we went for food after the concert, and that we were on our way home. There was food at the club so technically it wasn't a lie. By the time we got home, it was 3:30 am. All I wanted to do was sleep.

I changed and got into bed, remembering tonight's events. I still couldn't believe it. If past me was telling present me what happened tonight, I would never believe it. From the concert, to bumping into Luke, to hanging out with 5sos, to almost kissing Luke, it all felt like a dream. A dream I would soon wake up from back to my average, boring life.

So they finally met! What do you think? I hope you all like the story so far, there's a new POV in the next chapter 😏 I love you all! Xx

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