Chapter 30

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A/N: This chapter contains violence, and mildly inappropriate language. I understand this may not be a problem for all of you, but if that makes you uncomfortable, please by all means skip that part. I don't want anyone to feel compelled to have to read that. That is all...again PLEASE SKIP IF YOU DON'T LIKE/WANT TO READ!!

Alisa POV

Tears filled my eyes as I tried to comprehend what was happening. "W-what do you mean they're here?" I said, already knowing the answer.

I could see the panic in Luke's eyes as he struggled to calm us both down. He came over and sat between my mother and I, who were both now balling our eyes out, and held each of our hands. He gave me a small squeeze and traced his thumb over my hand.

I literally felt myself shaking. I buried my head into Luke's chest as he instinctively pulled me close. I felt myself start to calm down as I surrounded myself with his warm scent. His arms really did feel like the safest place in the world.

Once I settled myself down a little, I asked Luke to give me and mom some time alone. She was still a mess, and seeing her like that tore me apart. I don't think anybody liked to see their mother cry.

I squeezed her hand, and with my other arm pulled her into a hug. "It's gonna be ok, Mom." I said, though the more I said "it's gonna be ok" the more and more I kept lying to myself. I knew it wasn't going to be ok, and that was it.

I softly rubbed her shoulder as she wrapped her arms around me. I continued trying to comfort her but I couldn't. How was I supposed to comfort someone when I myself was scared out of my mind? Slowly, I felt myself breaking down again.

Luke POV

Once I calmed Alisa down, she asked me to let her have some time alone. I did as she wished, but all I wanted to do was hold her in my arms and never let her go. I hated seeing my baby girl so scared; all I wanted to do was protect her.

Deciding it was best, I went outside to get some fresh air. Not sure where I was heading exactly, I started walking down the sidewalk. I walked until recognized a small mini mart that was a few minutes away from our apartment. I always come here when Alisa's  out of her girl supplies, or I desperately need toothpaste or something.

I walked in and started skimming the endless aisles of snacks and candy. I grabbed a bottle of water and went up to the cashier.

"Just this thanks." I told the young, 15 year old cashier who was glaring at me. What's the matter, don't love your minimum wage convenient store job? I thought as he rang up my drink.

He slid the bottle and change across the counter, his stone cold eyes never leaving mine. "Thanks" I said as I hesitantly left the store. I never saw that kid before. Every time I'm there it's always either an old man working or an overly enthusiastic girl. Weird.

It was already completely dark when I left the store. Great, now I have to walk home in the dark. As I walked I swore I heard noises coming from behind me. It's probably just the wind. I thought to myself.

I've always been scared of the dark, ever since I was a kid. My brothers would always tease me about 'the dark monster' that would suck me up. Nineteen years old and it still haunts me to this day.

A few minutes passed and I heard the noise again. I turned around and saw a bush move but no one was there. The apartment was only another block, so I sped up my walking. Cmon Luke. You're too old to be scared of the dark. It's probably a squirrel or something.

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