Chapter 8

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A countdown came up on the screen counting down 60, 59, 58... My heart felt like it was going to literally leap out of my chest. I couldn't control the butterflies in my stomach as I saw a shadow hover over the drum kit, the single beam of a spotlight highlighting the gorgeous, blonde curly headed boy. 27, 26, 25... Each second that went by made my heart race at an even unbelievably higher pace.

BOOM BOOM BOOM sounded the drums. BOOM BOOM BOOM. The clock kept ticking 10, 9, 8...BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM 7,6,5... BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM.

Three more shadows ran onto the stage, filling the arena with boisterous screams. I swear I felt my heart skipping a beat. 4, 3, 2, 1.... In this moment in time my body was overcome with a feeling of anxiety, sensation, and exhilaration...and I wouldn't change it for the world.

The music started playing which the entire crowd immediately recognized as End Up Here. Everyone was going extremely mental. There they were, right in front of my eyes. They were even more beautiful in person.

I looked like a lost puppy as I continued to stare at their every inch of movement and losing myself in the music. "HOW DID WE END UP TALKING IN THE FIRST PLACE! YOU SAID YOU LIKED MY COBAIN SHIRT" everyone chanted.

I couldn't believe this was real. Every second my eyes collected felt like I was dreaming, and I didn't want to be woken up. I continued to scream and dance along with the crowd in my own little reality. Next they played 18 and Disconnected, also two of my favorites.

The energy in the room made me feel so alive. I could feel the bass beat in my chest and the beautiful guitar riffs in my ears. I've honestly never experienced something more intensifying. After they finished both songs, they started talking. "Los Angeles, how you feeling tonight!! We are 5 Seconds of Summer!"

The whole arena screamed their heads off. I could listen to them talk forever, they literally had the voice of an angel. I feel cliché saying everything about them is perfect, but let's be completely honest; it is. It was Calum's turn to talk, making a bunch of teenage girls around me to burst into a fit of smiles, and screams. "Hi guys! We're gonna slow it down even more now. This next song is called Amnesia".

Every time I heard this song I became a puddle of emotions. The beautiful sound of Michael's guitar was heard, and everyone held up their phones swaying to the melody. When it was Luke's turn to sing the chorus, my eyes were glued to him.

I was infatuated by his every little movement. The way he closed eyes when he sang, the way he clasped both hands on the mic-stand, the way he slowly moved with the music. I wanted to look at that for the rest of my life. I looked over to Amanda, who was in her own state of trance, before looking back to Luke.

I don't know if it was an allusion I was creating in my mind, or my imagination playing tricks on me, but for a split second in time I swear we made eye contact. I thought maybe he was looking at someone next to me or behind me, but when I looked up and saw those piercing blue eyes staring back at me, I proved myself wrong.

He was staring at me; Luke Hemmings was staring at singing at me. The shy, awkward girl who couldn't even formulate proper sentences, or walk without tripping herself. I gave him a shy smile and he smiled back, revealing those adorable dimples I oh so adored.

The song ended and I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my face. Tonight would by far go down as the best night of my life.


The duration of the concert was amazing; I wish it could have gone on forever, but unfortunately all good things must come to an end. Amanda and I for what felt like the millionth time that night shoved our way through the crowd and out of this chaotic mess.

We finally made our way to the main part of the arena where loads of people were scramming to get out the doors. "Why don't we just wait until it clears a little?" I suggested. "Ok, trust me I'm in no rush to leave".

We waited on a bench for a good 15 minutes and the crowd was still enormous, so we decided to walk around and check out the place. The two of us each got some souvenirs, which was another hour standing in line and dealing with crowds, and hit the bathrooms once more before we left. "Ugh, I know we're at a concert but Jesus I can't get away from people!" "Ahaha well it is 5sos, and look it's getting shorter".

Amanda replied. We were on our way back from the bathrooms when Amanda pointed out a back door. "Hey Alisa, look I think this door leads to the parking lot." "Umm, are you sure? It doesn't look like we're supposed to be here" I said hesitantly.

Why don't we just go back the other way?" "We won't get out until tomorrow if we go that way, cmon lets just see". "Ok fine, but if we get kidnapped I'm blaming you". I was serious, this place looked like the set of a horror film right before the main characters got murdered.

"Amanda are you sure this is safe? I don't even know what part of the arena we're in anymore, and plus how the hell are we supposed to find the car?" "Will you just relax? It'll be fine." "Thats what they all say right before a guy jumps out with a chainsaw."

I didn't bother to look at her, but I could tell she rolled her eyes. Amanda opened the door revealing an empty hallway. THUMP
My thoughts to what just happened couldn't even process in my head fast enough before I heard a thump and was on the ground.

Oooo cliffhanger... What do you think is going to happen??

Superstar // l.hTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang