Chapter 12

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It's only been 2 weeks since Luke left, but it feels like 2 years. I miss him more and more everyday. I know we haven't been dating, or even personally know each other that long, but I know our relationship will grow stronger and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us.

I honestly don't know how in the world I got so lucky. Not even a month ago, I was a lonely, socially awkward girl who didn't think she was capable of being loved by anyone, and now I'm dating the man of my dreams.

Pretty much every girl's dreams, honestly. I heard a bloop from my laptop, telling me I had a Skype request. I smiled to myself, already knowing who it would be.

I accepted the request, greeted by the blonde, smiley boy I missed so much. "Hey beautiful".  "Hey, I was just thinking about you", I smiled back. "What are you up to?"  "Just waiting to go on stage. I wanted to talk you before it got too late".

"Aw, well I'm glad you called. I'm just here, all alone" I pouted which made him pout his lip out. "Don't make me feel bad, I wish I was there with you. I miss you so much baby".
"I know, I miss you too".

I heard the boys screaming in the background "ooh wet-wipes, look at me I got wet-wipes!" I couldn't help but laugh. "what are they up to now?" "I don't even know, I should probably go deal with them, I'll talk to you tomorrow ok?". "Ok, good luck with your show tonight, I know you'll do great as always." "Thanks babe, bye". He blew me a kiss and ended the call.

I didn't tell Amanda I was dating Luke yet. The only person who knew was my mom, and of course the guys. I know she's my best friend and I could tell her anything, but this thing in particular I was scared.

How are you suppose to tell your best friend you're dating her idol? I hated keeping secrets from her. I dialed her number, and anxiously waited for her to answer. "Hey what's up?" I heard her say on the other line. "Are you busy right now?"

  "No why?"

"Great. How fast can you be over here?"

   "I don't know? Ten minutes? Is everything ok, you sound worried."

  "Everything's fine. See you soon".

I hope she wouldn't be mad at me. I waited for the doorbell to ring, planning out in my head what I was going to say. I'm dating Luke Hemmings. No, too right to the point.

I'm kinda sorta seeing kind of know him, but not really. Too not to the point. I heard my mom open the door downstairs. Oh no, it was make or break time. I would either lose my best friend because she hates my guts, or she would be excited for me and we'd fangirl the whole night. I slowly made my way downstairs. "Hey" I said with a shy smile, "Let's go upstairs".

When we got in my room, I sat her down on the bed. "Amanda I need to tell you something, and I'm not sure how you're going to take it".  "What is it" she said with an uneasy tone.

It was now or never. "Umm, so you know how after the concert we went to that bar?"  "yeah...and"  "Well, Luke and I talked a lot that night when the rest of you guys went your own ways, and I thought that would be it but... "Just tell me already."

"When I got home from school Monday, he was standing on my porch." Her mouthed dropped. "WHAT!" she yelled. "Hold on, I'm not done.

Anyway I don't even know how he knew where I'd be, or let alone where I lived, but I invited him in and we talked some more. He told me ever since that night he couldn't stop thinking about me, and we sort of kinda kissed. Then I took him to the airport, and he told me when he got back he wanted me to come back to, and he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes..."

Amanda just stared at me with a blank expression. I couldn't tell if she was mad, happy, or confused; probably all three.

After 5 minutes of staring at each other in silence, she finally spoke up.


"I'm sorry, please don't hate me". 


Her words left me in complete shock. "Wait, so you're not mad at me?"

"Of course not! Oh my god Alisa do you realize how many girls wish they were you right now?"

"I know" I laughed. "I'm even kind of jealous of myself, if that's even possible".

She squeezed me  into a tight hug. "I'm so happy for you oh my god, he could take us to fabulous parties, and introduce us to all his celebrity friends, and ooh we can eat out of those little edible cups! 

I laughed at her. "That's such a relief, I thought you'd hate me".  "Alisa, you're my best friend. I could never hate you." Hearing her say that made me smile. I really was lucky to have such an amazing friend like her.

Amanda POV

I was was in my room watching Netflix, when I heard my phone ring. I saw Alisa's contact picture pop up on my screen and I slid it open to answer. "Hey what's up?" I said.

  "Are you busy?"  "No why?"

She asked me to come over as quick as I can. I wasn't sure why, but it seemed important. I quickly grabbed a pair of shoes, and headed over to her house. About ten minutes later, I rang the doorbell.

Her mom opened the door and let me in. Alisa came downstairs, and asked me to come upstairs. What was going on? I was dying to know what was so urgent. I sat down on her bed, and she started to talk.

"Amanda I need to tell you something, and I don't know how you're going to take it." Uh oh. Nothing good ever follows those words. "What is it?" I anxiously asked her.

She began to tell me about what happened the night after the concert when we went to the club. She talked so fast I couldn't even comprehend half the stuff she was saying. Her next words, however, I heard clear as day.

"When I got home from school Monday, he was standing on my porch." I didn't know if she was joking or what, but I was shocked. "WHAT!?" I screamed. "Hold on, I'm not finished." I wasn't sure if I wanted to hear any more. "Anyway, I let him in and we talked some more.

He told me ever since that night he couldn't stop thinking about me, and we sort of kissed." A ping of jealousy took over my body. Knowing she got to see Luke again, talk to him, have him sitting in her room, feeling his lips against hers, if I was completely honest, it kind of stung.

"I took him to the airport, and he said he wanted me to come back to and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes..." I didn't know how to feel. I was so excited for her, but I needed to let what I just heard sink in. I stared at her for at least five minutes before screaming "OH MY GOD. YOU'RE DATING LUKE HEMMINGS AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!?"

She looked just as shocked as I was now. "I'm sorry, please don't hate me". This was so exciting, how could I hate her? Sure, I was a little jealous, but she was my best friend. If I can't date him, I want her to.

"HATE YOU? THIS IS THE GREATEST DAY EVER! Do you know how many girls wish they were you right now?" I pulled her into a hug, and we both laughed. "That's a relief" she said, "I thought you would hate me".

"Alisa you're my best friend, I could never hate you". She smiled, and pulled me in for another hug. "While we're confessing stuff, I may or may not have kissed Calum that night."  "I knew you two had a thing! Oh my god is he an amazing kisser or what?" "Haha, he's pretty amazing. Look at us, kissing and dating 5 seconds of summer. I take back every complaint I ever made about my life".

And it was true. Neither of us had the right to ever complain about anything again. Life right now, couldn't be better for either of us.

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