Chapter 13

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Alisa POV

Now that Amanda knew I was dating Luke, I felt like I had a huge weight lifted off my chest. She ended up staying the night that night, and we talked and I told her everything.

What it was like kissing him, cuddling up next to him, seeing how mesmerizing his eyes looked up close. Everyday I have to remind myself I'm not dreaming. That this is my life and I'm not living in some imaginary fantasy world I made up in my head.

Only one more month. One more month until he was home and I could see that beautiful smile in person, and hear his voice other than through my phone speakers. We talk and Skype every day, and they're touring North America so it's not like I'm a million miles away, but that's honestly what it feels like.

You don't realize how much you miss someone until you can't see them everyday. All I can do, is constantly remind myself just one more long hell of a month. Chris also knows that Luke and I are dating now.

He face seemed emotionless when I told him. I don't know how to interpret his feelings, but I'm assuming he's happy for me.
I was currently sitting with Amanda in a small cafe right around the corner from my house. "So, how are you and Luke?" she asked.

"We're great, I miss him so much. I just wish he'd come home already." "I know it must be hard". I took a sip of my coffee and looked out the window. This month really needed to go by faster.

"Have you been talking to Calum lately?" "Ya, as a matter of fact I just talked to him this morning. He said they got into Dallas today." She seemed to talk to him a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if they started dating soon. "Ya Luke said. He seemed extra happy for some reason; I don't know why". She started smiling and laughing all giddily. Why was everyone acting so weird today?

Maybe it's just because he was talking to you". she winked. "Haha, maybe". We finished our drinks and both headed home.

When I got home, my house was all in darkness. I switched on the lights, to see a note from my mom on the counter. Had to run into work, there's some leftovers in the fridge if you want. See you later, love you -Mom

I changed into my pjs and heated up the food. I was just about to sit down when I heard my phone ring. Luke-incoming call

I smiled and picked it up, "hey baby". "Did you get the mail today?" he asked. That was an odd question. "No, I don't think so, why?" I asked confused. "Go get it". I did as he said, still confused why he cared about my mail.

"Ok, I got it. What am I supposed to be looking at". "There should be a brown package, open it." I opened the seal and pulled out what looked like pieces of paper.

"Luke what is th- I paused. Inside were two tickets for their show in Las Vegas. "Surprise!" He yelled into the phone. "Babe! You didn't have to do this!"

"Yes I did, I missed you too much and since I can't come to you, I thought I'd have you come to me". I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "Thank you so much, you're the best. I can't wait to see you and give you a big hug."

He giggled at my words. "I'll be waiting. We're just about to go on, I'll talk to you later, and see you in a couple days beautiful". "Bye Luke. Love you" I whispered after he hung up.

I really was falling in love with him, but I didn't want to scare him by saying anything too early in our relationship. I soon as I got off the phone with Luke I immediately called Amanda. I had completely forgot about my food, that was probably ice cold by now.

She answered on the second ring. "oh my god you'll never believe what just happened!!" "Luke sent you tickets?" "You knew!?" "Calum told me yesterday he was going to surprise you".

That must have been why she was acting so weird this afternoon. "You know you're coming with me right". I more demanded than asked her. "Oh I better be". "Of course you are, I gotta go I'll text you later."

I looked down at the tickets, and started dancing around in circles. I didn't even care how ridiculous I looked. Just this morning I was moping and complaining about how much I missed Luke, and now I would be seeing him next week; and I couldn't be happier.


The next day I started packing. My mom was ok with me going, as long as I kept up with my schoolwork. I couldn't be more thankful that she supported me dating Luke.

I made a list of everything I would need: toothbrush/toothpaste, deodorant, toiletries- I went through the things in my head as I put them in my suitcase. As excited as I was, I was also kind of nervous. The public didn't know about me and Luke yet, and I wasn't sure I was ready for the whole world to know.

I just hope paparazzi wouldn't catch us this weekend. I ran to the drug store to get some last minute things. I can't believe we're leaving tomorrow. I put the final items in my suitcase, and called it a night. We had to wake up early so I decided I'd just go to bed.


Beep. Beep. I heard my alarm go off. Normally I would dread having to get up at 3am, but today I jumped right out of bed. I don't care how early it was, the sooner I get to the airport and on that plane the better.

I quickly brushed my teeth and put on yoga pants and one of Luke's hoodies he left me. Amanda was meeting me at the airport, so I didn't have to worry about getting her. I packed my carry on bag with my headphones, a magazine, and a travel pillow before going downstairs to have a quick bowl of cereal. My mom packed up the car and we were on our way.

As soon as we got there, I saw Amanda and her mom. I ran up to her and pulled her in a hug. "Eeep I'm so excited! Let's go I just want to be there already!" I gave my mom a hug goodbye and we went to go through security. Soon after, we started boarding.

I put my earbuds in as we sat in the plane waiting to take off. I clicked shuffle and ironically, Beside You came on. I closed my eyes, listening to the beautiful voice I would hear in only 2 hours.

I must have fell asleep the whole flight, because when I woke up we were landed. Amanda and I got off the plane and got our bags. "Did Luke say who was picking us up? Amanda asked.

Before I even answered, I saw a man holding a sign that read Alisa Adams and Amanda Thompson. I pointed her to where I was looking. "I guess him". We walked over and he led us to the car.

The closer we got to the guys hotel, the more I could feel the butterflies weld up in the pit of my stomach.

We pulled up to the hotel, and I jumped out of the car. A hotel employee came and took our luggage. We walked in the lobby, and I immediately spotted a bluish- grey head I recognized anywhere. "Michael!" we both screamed.

He turned around and ran over to us. "Hey you're here!" He pulled the two of us in a giant hug. "Where's Luke?" "He's up in his room, and Cal and Ash went to pick up some food. Come on, let's head up."

The 30 second elevator ride was the longest experience of my life. As soon as the door opened, I wasted no time. I ran down the hallway to Luke's room. I bit my lip and knocked on the door.

I heard footsteps from inside the room, and a minute later the door opened. "I don't remember ordering room service". I jumped in his arms causing him to stumble backwards. I crashed my lips onto his, and we both laughed into the kiss. "I. Missed. You so. Much" I mumbled in between kisses. Luke set me down still wrapping his arms around me. "I missed you too baby." He smiled. "I swear you got more beautiful since the last time I saw you".

I stood on my tip toes and pulled him for another kiss. We cuddled and talked the rest of the night, as he told me all the funny stories from the tour. I was finally back in his arms, and I've never been more content. Everything in my life was never more perfect than right now.

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