Chapter 33: Part 2

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I apologize in advance for this chapter....

Also I made a song for the chapter cause I thought it went really well it's 'Someday Someday' by Thirty Merc

Alisa POV

Luke left shortly after, leaving me with a million and one thoughts running through my mind. I looked over at the crisp ivory letter that lay on my night stand, that was ironically placed right beside the picture of Luke and I that he sent me after our little Vegas excursion.

I let out a deep sigh and laid back on my bed. I stared at the ceiling–trying, searching– doing anything I possibly could to get an answer sent to me.

My eyes became heavy and I gently let my eyes close. I tossed and turned all night, and after seeing every hour I officially gave up trying to sleep. I looked over at my clock squinting at the blurry, red haze that read 5:00.

Last nights worries came flooding back in my head. The thought of living a life without Luke brought tears to my eyes. I did it once, and even though it would be hard, I know I could do it again. The thing is, I don't want to. I also don't want to live the rest of my life knowing I never allowed myself to chase my dreams, and become successful and independent.

I decided to go for a run. Running has always been a resort for me to just clear my head. It was now almost 7:30; my mom probably wouldn't be up for another hour, which gave me plenty of time to go and be back. Just in case she did wake up, I left a note so she wouldn't worry.

Luke POV

I didn't like the way I left Alisa last night. When I asked her to come on tour with me, I expected her reaction to be a lot more excited and thrilled. I didn't think much of it, as she probably just wasn't expecting it. Still, I had to make sure she was ok.

I got dressed and made my over to her house. I could have easily just called, but I really needed to see her in person. I walked up the driveway to the front door. It was still rather early, and I didn't want to wake anyone so I lightly knocked trying not to be too loud.

Her mom, still in pajamas holding a cup of coffee, answered the door with a confused look on her face. "Luke? Come on in." I gave a small smile and slipped through the door.

"What brings you here so ehhhrly?" She asked in the middle of a yawn. I didn't tell her what Alisa and I discussed last night; instead I just told her I wanted to see her.

"Well she's out for a run right now, but feel free to hang out until she comes back."
"Thank you" I said sweetly.

"I was just making some eggs, would you like some?" They smelled delicious and my stomach was growling. "Sure, that sounds great."

The two of us sat at the table, and I realized this was the first time I was alone with Alisa's mom. If I was being honest, it was a little awkward. The only sounds present in the room were forks clanking, flipping of newspaper pages, and the low sound of the television saying there was a 30 percent chance of rain later.

I took a sip of orange juice and looked around the room thinking of something to say, but Alisa's mom spoke up. "So Luke, I hear you have another tour coming up. That should be exciting." She said smiling.

I took slightly longer to swallow to save time while I thought of a response. "Uh yeah it's pretty exciting" , was all I came up with.

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