Chapter 2

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School on Monday is a drag. I'm currently sitting in history doodling in my notebook while my teacher blabs on and on about some battle that took place in the 1800's- lame I know.

Meanwhile I was so caught up in zoning out I hadn't even heard my teacher call on me. "Alisa, I asked you a question?" I shamefully looked at my feet "Er sorry Mr. Hill I wasn't paying attention". "Can someone else answer?" 

Finally the bell rang for period 6, which was music. Music was always my favorite class. As I leave Mr. Hill's room I see my other best friend, Chris. Chris and I have been best friends since the 5th grade. I was the new kid and he was always so friendly and welcoming.

"Alisa!" he yelled from across the hall; he was never one to be quiet unlike myself. "Hey Chris, what's up?" "Not much, unless you count the 50 minutes of physics I just had to suffer through" "Haha trust me I know the feeling; Mr. Hill was going on again". As we enter the music room I notice my teacher blaring some strange classical piece that sounded like an angry stampede of french horn and bassoon players.

I got my guitar and went inside a practice room. I quietly started strumming to Ed Sheeran's Lego House- one of my favorite songs. Luke's cover was the reason I fell in love with this song and inspired me to learn it. Great. Now I'm thinking about Luke again. What was it about him? For goodness sake I didn't even know the guy.

I continued playing away thinking about what it would be like if I ever got to meet him what would I even say to him? My mind kept wondering about the possibilities as I sat aimlessly with my guitar playing and thinking.....and thinking.


After school I had work until 8. I got a job as a hostess at a small Mexican restaurant down town. It didn't pay a lot but I needed the money. My coworkers and boss were all pretty nice and we got along really well.

Tonight we weren't that busy so I sat behind my podium most of the night scrolling through Twitter. @Luke5sos: great show tonight! Love you guys x A young family came in and I quickly closed the app before my boss or someone caught me. "Right this way" I tell them. Time to time more customers were coming in which made time go surprisingly fast.

When my shift ended I decided to give Amanda a call. She let it ring twice before answering "Hey what's up"
Just got off of work, you?
"Studying..ACT's aren't going to take themselves"

I always forget I'll be graduating soon. Yes, it was still many months away but time never seemed to slow down.
"Sounds like you're having fun, well I'll see you tomorrow, night"

I hung up and drove home to where I hoped my mother left dinner on the stove. I was always starving after work, especially being around food all the time.

I got home and decided to make some mac&cheese. I still had a ton of homework which I was dreading to do. All I wanted was to climb in bed right now. I headed upstairs with my food and braced myself for the long night ahead of me. Somewhere in the middle of working I must have fallen asleep as I woke up in a pile of scattered papers.

I glanced over at the clock 1:42am. Lovely, I thought. I have to get up in 4 hours and I still haven't even changed out of my work clothes. I decided against finishing my homework and changed into some sweats and a t-shirt.  I felt myself drifting off to sleep again for what felt like 20 minutes before I was startled awake by the beeping of my alarm clock.

Whoever invented those should really have made them quieter. It was tempting not to press snooze but I knew if I did I'd just end up sleeping the day away. I reached over for my phone to be greeted with a bunch of notifications and one text from Chris: hey! I didn't feel like replying so I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs.

I pour myself some Honey Nut Cheerios and turned on the tv. A commercial comes on advertising 5sos on Ellen. I literally can't go one day without thinking about them or seeing their faces. God they're attractive..and talented..and successful.

And here I am, a senior in high school sitting in my hello kitty pjs with no idea what I'm doing with my life. It's not that I haven't thought about it, I just don't know what I want. Deciding that's enough self pity for one day, I get up and go get dressed to start another day of my boring life.

I promise I'll give you something to read soon...I know this story is super boring so far but I promise I have big plans for it :)

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