Chapter 39

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Noelani Saaffi POV

"Lani how are you?" The voice of my favorite cousin rung in my ears.

"Im fine but what about you.. you look happy.." I smiled

"I am happy." She grinned back

"No like verryyyy happy." I smirked at her.

"Well between me and you.. I been dating this guy for about 6 months now and he is amazing."

"What? do tell."

"Well he is alittle different from us, but he is amazing."


"Wait there is more. Im pregnant!" She cheesed from ear to ear. I could tell she was excited. I was happy right along with her. We jumped up and down.

"How many months?"

"6 months." She laughed and showed her stomach which was noticeable. I found it weird how she met him 6 months and pregnant for 6 months.. But I love my cousin so I hope see know what's good.


"So when will we get to meet the lucky guy who baby you are carrying?" My mother asked my cousin

"You get to meet the man Im in love with." She snapped.

Once everyone got settled with the food and we all were having a good ol time outside but ocean. A man came walking over to us.

Who is that man? Geez I guess he in the wrong area.

Once my cousin got up and ran over to him. They hugged and kissed. The whole family gasped once we put two and two together. I feared for them because my family is very judgmental. He started talking and his accent came out all hell broke lose. Calling him the devil. Our culture crashes with african culture because of our old folk tells from our ancestors. Its like an unwritten beef with african culture. They forbid this mix families.

"You have one chose, leave with him and stay with us and aport that devils child."

"I will not kill my baby! Why would you make me do this? You are my family, My child is your family."

"That devils child isn't our family. His kind of people put a curse on this family."

After all the arguing and fighting she decided to leave with him. Our family disown her and she couldnt come back. My family wouldn't let me talk to her. No visits , no calls. nothing. It was completely unfair. She is my only friend, the only one that understands me.


One day I snuck out my house and travelled out my village go visit my cousin. It was killing me not knowing if she was ok or the baby. Once I arrive at the place she told me to meet, look run down. Kind of scared to go in. Not all places in my town look luxury. I knocked on the door. It swung open and she cheesed for ear to ear.

"Lani, I thought I wouldn't even see you again!" She pulled me into a hug.

"Of course I had to see you. How life?" I asked seating on the ugly couch.

"Well I'm having a baby girl and I want you to name her."

"What?? Me? Really?"

She just gave me the honor of naming her. I just knew my soon to be baby cousin was going to be such a beautiful mixed child. After chatting  alittle bit more. Things get serious  I asked where EJ was.

"Oh he is at work."


I got a text from my cousin and she told me she needed to vent. So I met up with her.

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