Chapter 3

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Yasmine POV

I slept for alittle bit last night. It was hot as hell in here. I cant sleep when it hot. Everytime I heard a noise. I have to look around the room. This bitch is trying to kill me and I know it. She had me paranoid all night. Why did she even put me in a room with her. 

Soon we all got wake up calls to start our activities for DAY2. We are going to the outside pool and sides today. They went to have breakfast first down in the food area. I stayed and got dressed. I put on another two piece. Red and black one.  Honestly I didnt want to wear shorts or a shirt today. They were irritating. I do really hate clothes but Im not comfortable about my body. I made my way in the elevator. eww. Its alot of people. I just take the stairs. I went down and out to the outside water park. I rode a couple of slides. But now I was playing in the kiddy pool with Riah.

"I want to go on that side." She pointed to this little slide. I stood up and got out of the pool. Mariah grab my hand. 

"Hey did you ever find your sister?" I voice said I turned around to see the boy from yesterday.

"Umm... Yes I did" I said pointing to Riah. After that we just stood there. Mariah was in her only little world. I felt kind of awkward. The way he was looking...  it was kind of like yesterday, But alittle different.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked non harshly. He completely ignored what I asked

"You know I never got you name?" he smiled

"Yasmine. and this is Mariah" Riah ran up to him and huged his legs. He was kind of tall, well taller that me. Im like 5'0. he had to be like 5'6 maybe '7.

"Yasmine... I like it. Its beautiful... Like you." he kind of mumbled that. Then went back to that look he do.

"andddd your name?" I said.

"Oh.. yeah my name is Ja-"

"Jacob! hunny I got your ice cream!"  A lady said walking up to us. Wait I know this lady.You know from yesterday. I looked back to "Jacob" he looked kind of embarassed.

"I remember you. Hi Mariah." she hugged Riah and then me. 

"I never got your name." Tish said.


"I see you already met my son." refering to Jacob. Damn. They look just alike.

"These are the girls I was telling you about."

"Oh. Well this is the girl was telling you about." Jacob said and shooked closer to me. Mariah tapped me. well hit me.

"I have to go to the restroom realllllyyyyyy Baddd!" she said jumping around then took off running.

"Wait! Mariah!" I took off after her.

Jacob POV.

Damn that ass! I bit my lip and shook my head. That girl is beautiful. Her body is banging too. 

"Jacob O'neal...." My mom called. I forgot she was right there. 

"Sorry mom.. I..umm..Umhh." I was speechless

"Yeah, whatever Jake. Thats the girl you bumped into right?" Mom started laughing

I nodded. It been aloong day of swimming and It was only one slide I didnt go on. I guess i'll do it tomorrow before we leave. Me and my family are going to Oliven Garden tonight for dinner so we about to get ready for it.

Yasmine POV.

After mariah ran to the restroom. We head back to out rooms. I was told we are going to a resturant for dinner. I really didnt know lunch had passed. It was like 5 now. I guess kids dont pay attention to time or food when there are having fun. Mrs.Green made me wear this dress. It wasnt a fancy dress, But it wasnt plain either. I dont know what she is trying to do but I hate it. Her friend assist on straighten my hair. While she is doing so, im just thinking. Why did Jacob say my name was beautiful like me, if im not beautiful? That really bothered me. sssssssssccc. Outch! She burnt me! On my shoulder.

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