Chapter 26

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Alot of POVs and Dialogue. *Shrugs*

Sorry for the mistakes! *Kisses*

Yasmine POV

"Fuucckkk!" I semi yelled, Throwing my pillow across the room. I unlocked my phone and saw the date. October 1. I cant believe I almost forgot Mariah's birthday. I didn't even get a gift or get to take her some where. Dammnnn. I need to talk to Jacob.

Come on Jake. pick up, pick up.

"Good Morning bae." Jacob morning voice is so sexy in the morning.

"I'm sorry did I wake you."

"Nahh, I need to get up anyways. Did you call me just because you wanted to hear my voice?"

"No. but I do love your voice."

"Ok what you need Yasmine." he yawn

"Guess who's birthday is today.. and I almost forgot."

"You forgot Mariah's birthday. damn shame Yas." he laughed

"Jacob! that not funny. What am I going to do?"

"Owww girl. I love the way you scream my name. You don't know what you do to me."

"Jacob! I mean Jake, I'm serious I don't know what to do."

"Ok, ok. I'll come scoop you in a bit and we'll talk about it then. Cool?"


"Alright, I. I umm."

"I got to go Jake, bye."

I hang up because I heard steps coming up my stairs. You already know who it is. This bitch.

"Ohh you already up. I'm going to fix breakfast so get dress and get the kids ready too."

"Oh and make sure Mariah have on something nice for her birthday." Green added

"Wait, Can I ask you something."

"Yes child, what is it?"

"When is my birthday?"

She just looked at me like she was think hard about. The fuck is there to think about? I started boiling inside.

"It doesn't exist." with that she closed the door and walked out. I picked up the nearest item in arm reach and throw it at the wall. I just don't understand.


"Mariah wake up boo!"

"I was alllreadyyy up. waiting on you. Girrrlll you late."

"Ok what does the birthday girl want to wear?"

"Idk it's raining and cold."

"How you know it's raining and cold? how you know what idk mean?"

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