Chapter 4

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Jacob POV.

You should see the smile on my face right now. I got the most gorgeous girl in the world number. I just keep staring at it. When do I use it? Should I wait some days? No that's too long how about I give it an hour. I really want to see her tonight. My mom told me we where leaving tomorrow at like 12 in the morning. What if Yas don't life here in Atlanta? Yeahh.. I need to see her tonight. Ok. I'm going to text her now. Take a deep breathe you can do this Jacob! You don't get nervous.

"Hey Yasmine it's Jacob. I was wondering if I can see you tonight or something." I texted Yas that. That should be straight forward. It was already 9 o'clock. Maybe she is sleep or he phone isn't on. My phone lit up and so did my face. She texted back

"Ok. How about I meet you in the staircase on the 3 floor. Around 11 maybe?" Her texted read.

It texted back ok and sat there thinking how am I going to meet her with out my parents knowing. I can't tell them because they are about to get some sleep. They wouldn't let me go because the pool are closed at 8. I just out on some red basketball shorts and a black shirt. Chargering my phone and playing game to pass the time by.

11 o'clock is here! I grab the room key and slipped on a sliver chain. I open and closed the door slowly. Trying not to make any noise. Success. I made it out. I walked to the staircase on the 4th floor and walked to the 3rd. Texted Yas and waited.

Yasmine POV.

I got a texted from Jacob telling me he was in the staircase. I slipped my phone in my inside pocket of my short and grabbed the room key. I'm used to sneaking in and out of places so I was a pro. After I got out the door without a sound I walked to the staircase. Open the door. There goes Jacob standing there on looking down at his phone. He didn't even notice I was there. I closed the door. That caught his attention. Looked at me with that weird look again. This time her was biting his lip. I knew I shouldn't have wear these short shorts.

"Why do you do that?" I asked confused

"What do you mean? Do what?" He said and just now looking at my eyes.

"It's a weird look I don't get from people. You have been doing it sense I meet you."

"Sorry" was all Jacob said then smiled and hugged me. I just sighed and hugged him back.

"So do you want to go somewhere or do you want to stay in this creepy staircase." Jacob said death in my face as our bodies where still in the hug form. He makes me so nervous. But he is so close to me. His hands are on my waisted.

" I wanted to go somewhere else. It's creepy in here. I feel like you would try to rape me in here." I started laughing. He chuckled.

" I won't do anything that makes you uncomfortable." Everything he does makes me uncomfortable.

"Come on" I grabbed his hand and walked back into the Halls on the hotel. I led him to the elevation and pressed one after the doors closed. Soon As the elevator started moving Jacob jump down to the ground and grabbed my legs

"Ugghhh, I hated these things!" All I could do was laugh. I laughed so hard. This is to cute for him to be scared. The elevator stopped and he got up and looked at me embarrass like. I walked off the elevator and turnt towards him.

"Where are we going now" he didn't say anything just started walking to the door of the inside waterpark door. It read 'do not enter' in big bold letters.

"Want to take a risk with me?" He asked with his hand out waiting for me to accept. I grabbed his hand and smiled. He open the door. And we walked in. Why TF would they keep the door unlocked anyway? It's ok I'm cool. As long as I'm with Jacob. He lead the way all the way to the top of the biggest slide here. We finally got thrugh climbing up stairs and sat down at the entrees of the slide. It was nice, kind of like nice chill area nobody can see us. Before he started asking ME all the questions I wanted to beat him to it. Unfortunately his ass beat me.

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