Chapter 40

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The after math

"Baby let me get that for you."

"I got it Jake."

"But just let me-"

"I got it damn! Get off my dick."

"If you would have stayed off mines, you wouldn't be pregnant." Jacob smirked. I couldn't do anything but laugh. He has been like this ever since that day. I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or If he still think I'm Fragile. Which I still am.. The doctor only cleared this trip because we already pushed it back so many times. So after this is back to bed rest for the rest of my pregnancy. I Guess you want to know what happen.


Jacob POV

My mind was on 10. I couldn't think straight. The only think I was focus on my my two babies. Nothing else mattered. And of course the same lady wouldn't give me any info.

"Do we have to go through this every fucking time I come here?"

"Well maybe you should start doing something right, and maybe she would keep ending up here." This lady done lost her mind. I reached for her but felt my body being pulled. And it was Que telling me to calm down. My mom was already talking her. Paige was crying up a storm and my dad was helping calm everyone down. This is to overwhelming right now.

About two hours later. Still haven't heard any news. Issa was sleep with Bahja on his shoulder. Paige was still crying with her emotional ass. One minutes she crying and the next minute she yelling at Que that she was hungry. So Que was getting food.

"Family of Yasmine Saffii?" The nurse called Yas' U.S government name.

I was the first one to pop up going to him. The doctor told is she was awake but was only saying on sentence.

Walking into the room seeing her in the hospital bed.. Again broke my heart.

"Yasmine how are you feeling?"

"Please just leave me here to die. I have no reason to live."

"Dont say that."

"Mariah isnt here. Someone adopted her. She was MY daughter. I raised her. That was my baby. My bestfriend."

"I adopted her." I said
It was like the whole world stop.. She starred at me for a while

"What, who?"

"Me baby."

"Who is me?" Yasmine asked looking directed at me.

"It's me Jacob.. You cant see me." I looked directly in her eyes. Which had a grey tint to them. Her face was barely recognizable.

"No. I cant see nothing."


"It's ok Jake." She reached for my face and caressed it

"Where is Mariah."

"She is with my grandparents, she doesn't know what's going on."

"Good, I don't want her seeing me like this."she spoke with a soft voice

"Baby, I adopted her for you. So she is Now official our daughter."

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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