Chapter 9

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Yasmine POV.

"Yasssmine! Wake up its Friday!!"

I heard Mariahs voice waking me up. I really dont want to get up. Mrs Green woke me up last night to clean the whole house.. well I should say group home. I dont know why but I just did it. Mariah doesnt know what I go there. And I make sure she doesnt. Im not sure why she likes Fridays. 

"Mariah why are you yelling? Its to early for this."

"Are you still mad at me? I said I was sorry! I didnt mean to brake it!" She said still yelling. She folded her arms and jumped on my bed. You see Mariah broke my phone charger a couple of days ago. So my phone has been off. But no body calls me anyway but Jacob. Im sure he will understand. 

"What you want to wear to school today Mariah?" I said finally getting out of my bed.

" I dont know, BUT giirrlllllll I need to look good. Its a new boy in my class." She winked

"And he is cute!" I couldnt do anything but laugh. I dont know what im going to with her.

I got Mariah dress and some of the other kids. Now for myself to get ready. I closed the door to my room and got ready. Im the process of doing so there was a knock on my door. Me thinking its mariah i opened it. However it was that bitch. What TF she want? We just stood in the door awkwardly for a good mintue.

"When your done come down to the kitchen so I can talk to you."   with that she walked away.

umm.. ok... That was weird she didnt yell or call me a bitch or even hit me. I grabbed all my things we went into the kitchen. The smell of bacon instently hit my face making my stomach growl. 

"Come seat down Yasmine" Mrs Green said and smiled

Why TF she she so nice. She called me Yasmine. I didnt even know she knew my name. I sat down at the table and she sat a plate of bacon, Pancake and eggs in front of me. A tipacal breakfast. My mouth was now watering. Im hungry as fuucckk! I havnt ate in some days. Im scared to eat it. What if she is trying to kill me?

"Are you not hungry?" she asked

"No" I lied

"Well Today after school I will be picking you up"

"And they will be some people coming from CPS to ask you some question"

"CPS?" I asked. I dont even know what that is.

"Child Protection Service"

"hmmmm"  The room was silent then. Why are they coming? She told me to come on so I would be late to school.

I have been thinking about this CPS thing all day. The bell just ended for school to be over. I walked out the building to see Mrs Green front and center with a smile on her face. I hoped in the back seat.

"You know you dont have to sit in the back."

"Yeah but the last time I sat up there it didnt end well." I said very low but so she can hear. She didnt say anything just kept driving.

"How was school?" she asked changing the subject. It would have been better if i wasnt in a room by myself.

"fine" I said

"Why are the 'CPS' coming to ask me question?"  I added

She looked at me thru the rearview mirror. "Some body made a complaint about you being hurt"

"Do you know anything about that?" she added


"Well what are you going to tell them?"

I see what she has been doing. She wants to play nice so I wont tell them what has been happening.

"What will happen if I tell them the truth?" I challenged.

"Do you want them to take you away from me and let you leave in a house where you would get raped?" she semi yelled.

"...No" I said and looked down. She used to all ways say that to me. The whole car ride all she did was threat me. If I tell then this and that will happen to me. The stuff she said was very brutal. I dont even know where all this is coming from. why is she even mad at me like I told. Ive learn how to tune her out. We got into the house and she gave me some clothes to put on. She said she didnt want me to look like a hoe. But this outfit is really fitted. After 10 minutes have passed the door bellrung.

"Remember what I told you." Mrs Green said then open the door.

I took a deep breathe.

Here we go.


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