Chapter 10

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Yasmine POV.

Mrs Green greeted the people at the door. It was a man and a lady.

"Welcome to our home." Mrs Green smiled then turned to me.

"This Is Yasmine."

"Nice to meet you Yasmine. My name is Nicole and this is Evan." They smiled and shook my hand. I forced a smile on my face. I'm really worried. Im kind of scared actually. I dont know what I should do.

We walked into the living room area. The lady was looking at me in a weird way. I really dont like it. Its like she is looking deep into my soul. I looked down most of the time. Every time they would ask a question Mrs Green would answer for me. Even if I did wanted to talk to couldn't.

"So, Yasmine where do you sleep?" Sarah asked

Oh shit

"In the girls room ofcourse" Mrs Green answered

Nicole looked at Mrs Green and nodded and looked Evan. He wrote something down on his notepad.

"Show me... Yasmine" When I looked up she was looking dead at me. I started to panic inside. Evan told Mrs Green they had to ask us questions separate from each other. I got up and slowly walked to the girls bedroom. I didnt ever bother to look at Mrs Green. She probably threated me inside her head. Making my way to the girls bedroom I glaced at my room. Should I? Should I tell the truth? Or Lie? Can things get any worse of I tell? I was so into my thoughts I tripped over a bear. Mariah bear. Why is her bear over here? Wait... I cant tell the truth. CPS might shut this own thing down and I wont be with Riah. UGHHH!

I picked up the bear and contiuned walking to the room. Now that Im in here. Which bed is 'Mine"? I sat on Mariah's bed.

"So this is where you sleep?" She said. I nodded. After that she told me she was going to asked me some questions. I just looked down. I cant look her on her eyes. She can probably tell if im lying.

"Is someone in this home abusing you?"

                                                                      Yes     "No.."

"Did someone hurt you?"

                                                                  Yes  "....No"

"Do you get verbal Abused?"

                                                               All the Time  "I umm-"

"Are you being neglected?"


"Such as lack of food, water and keeping you away from others?" 

                                                         Yeah this bitch dont feed me "Im fi-"

"Where did that bruise on your face come from?"

                                                               Shit   " Umm Well I-"

"How often do it happen?"

                                                                  Often  "Does what hap-" 

"Are you afraid to tell what really happens in this household?"

                                                                             "I umm"

"Who are you afraid of?"

                                                                             "Well I-"

"Do the person that hurts you use fist or open hand?"


"Have you ever been kicked or punch?"

"Name calling?" 


"Have you ever thought about hurting yourself or others?"

She was asking all them questions at once. In no order at all. I couldn't even answer them. I tried to but I couldn't get out the full answer out before she cut me off. I gave up. After all the questioning she wrote stuff down.

"Thank you for your time Yasmine. If you need anything here's my card. Put it some where safe." She handed me her card. Then she walked out.

"Thanks you for you time and lovely home. We will be in touch" they said the walk towards the door with Mrs. green. I think that went pretty well. Didn't say anything bad.. Well the truth. we both Went back into the living room and sat in awkward silence. I dont know What to think or even say. Mrs Green didnt look up or talk. She looked like she was thinking extra hard. The other kids come back from wherever Mrs Green sent them. Thank God!

Its about 7 o'clock I was chillin in my room. I have a massive headache. For many reasons. I haven't had a real meal in about a 4 days. Mariah wants to be a hair dresser and she played with my hair. She is heavy handed! I Lowkey miss talking to Jacob. Shit I'm soo lying. I miss him a lot. He makes me laugh and blush. Man.. I need to get another charger today. My room door swung open. But I was too deep in my thoughts thinking about Jacob to notice. Then her hand came in contact with my face. But harder than before.

"What The Hell!?" I yelled to Mrs Green holding my cheek

"What did I tell you would happen if you tell my business!?" She yelled

"I didn't even say anything!"

She grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me off the bed onto the ground. Then backhand me hard AF

"Your such a ungrateful, Piece, Of Shit!" She Punch me in the face twice in between her words.

"You will never be anything in life!" She said dugging me still by my shirt into my bathroom.

She tried to pull me up. However I kept tripping over my own feet. She got upset with me falling on the way to the bathroom so she pushes me down and kicked me. Grabbed me by my hair up to the sink.

"Wow.. your a really ugly little girl." Mrs Green said in pure hatred

"No wonder why your parents gave you up" She laughed then pushed me down.  

And with that she walked out my door closing and locking it.

My headache is worst now. Im on the ground balling my eyes out. My face is pounding from the punches. My side aches from the kick. I think im crying so hard I cant breathe. 

I can't do this anymore





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