Chapter One

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Why don't anybody love me? How come no one give a shit about me? What did I do to anyone for them not to love me? Am I just not love able? I must be that ugly.

This is the questions I ask myself every night. Maybe one day that all can change? Nahhh who am I kidding. I just a piece of shit like most people say. I was having trouble sleeping for some reason.

"Yasmine!" My name was being called. Fuck. I thought I locked the door. Then I was about to sat up , but I guess I wasn't fast enough. The covers were pull from me. Then I was yanked by my shirt. The foster home director in my face.

"Mariah pee'd in her bed! Why? What did you give her for dinner? Make her shut up! Now!" She said and pushed me back and walked away. I didnt even go to dinner. I don't understand what is going on. I got up, walked in the room Mariah was in. She sat on her bed weeping. All the other little girls were still sleeping. She probably wasn't even crying loud. Mrs. Green loves making shit look soooo big and most if the time it's not. I picked up Mariah and took her to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I ran a little warm water for her. She just stood there rumbing her eye holding her bear she always have. Mariah is 4 and she came here a year ago; at 3. The time she step though the door she attached to me. She always wants to be with me. She won't do anything without talking to me. I'm guessing she had an older sister. And I guess I remind her of the sister. I wasn't complaining, I love making her feel comfortable. Something I never had. I put her in the tub and told her to wash up. I walked to get new sheets for her bed. I changed them and put the dirty pissy ones in the washroom. I went back into the bathroom to see Mariah sleep wrapped in a towel in the floor. How she get out the tub? I put her clothes on then carried her to her bed. Then back to my room. I look at the clock on my phone. 2:45. I guess I have some time to sleep. Wait. Why did she pee in the bed? I didnt get to ask.

Morning time is here and I'm already for school. Getting some of the little boys and girls ready. Everybody was eating breakfast and it was crazy, everybody running around. Like always. All the foster kids got in car and buses going our seperate was for school.

As for me. Im kind of home schooled. But its not at the foster home. Its at a private school where the rich kids go. I dont know why Mrs.Green would pay money for me to be in a room by myself on a computer doing work. Makes no sense. There is no teacher teaching me. Just some man come in every so often. He is creepy tho. He dont do or say and thing. Just peek his head in and look to see if im there. I guess you can say im used to being alone. I only met two people here. Taylor and Kevin. I met Taylor in the restroom one time. I met Kevin in the library. We hang out and texted about everything. Well they told me everything. I feel them slowly fading away from me. Maybe because they have never come over to my "house" to chill or I can bearly go places with them. I have to lie to them or sneak out to go places with them. I don't tell them anything about my life. Just enough for them to befriend me. But enough about them.

As school ended I got hella sad. I hate being in that house. And today is Friday. This is going to be a long weekend.

I am tired AF. I have to walk home. Because Mrs.Green "forgets" to pick me up. Everyday. As soon as I walk though the door I see everyone happy. Extremely happy. Mariah comes around the from the kitchen and jumps on me.

"Why is everybody so happy?"

"James got adopted!" She cheered

"Anddddd why is that a good thing, I thought that was your friend?"

"We'll he is, but now we can go to the swimming place with the wolves!"

I thought for a second

"You mean the great wolf lodge?"

"Yeahh!" she is soo cute.

"Well that's gre-"

"Mariah go pack your bag and let me talk to Yasmine for a second" Mrs.Green smiled

Fakkeeeee! *sighs* what do she want now?

"I'm taking the kids to an indoor water park and hotel called-"

"Greatwolf lodge"

She gave me a stank face and looked around. I could tell she was mad. She then shoved me to the wall and got in my face.

"Listen you little bitch. The only reason I am taking you is because of Mariah and the kids like you and would notice if your not there. I dont need you in my way." She said through her teeth. Then smiled and walked away.

Im really tired of her bullshit. She have put me thru alot. I dont even know why. I just when up into my isolated room. I lock myself in there most of the time. I really had no need to come out. I have a bed, a bathroom, and a phone they dont know about. I never really eat. That bitch didnt feed me for so long, I just dont have an Appetite anymore. I barely eat; If I get hungry I wait until the middle of the night to sneak in the kitchen. Or sometimes I go out my window a walk to this diner a couple of  blocks away.

My bags are packed and ready to go. Im just looking out the window in my room at the view... the backyard. I heard my name being called. I guess its time to go. *sighs* I hope I have fun.


This chapter is just to know some of her background. I promise it would get will get better.

Die In Your ArmsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora