Chapter 11

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Jacob POV

8:00 Friday night and I'm doing appsalutly nothing. Mom and dad went out to one of there friends house for a party. I'm just in my car riding around trying to find something to eat. I haven't ate sense 6 o'clock... A nigga hungry!

For some reason Yasmine popped up in my mind. I have been thinking about her a lot. I miss my bae... I mean Yas. I passed my this diner and saw a formla figure in the window. Yasmine? No I'm just thinking about her to much. I made a U turn and parked in the lot.

"Hi welcome to EJ's Diner seat anywhere you like" Someone yelled from the back

I wasn't even paying attention. I was looking for Yasmine. It wasn't a lot of people in here so it shouldn't be hard to find her. I walked futher in then spotted her in the booth by the window. I knew she was in here. I walked over to her and stood there stairing at here. She look like a nervous wreck. She was shaking and barely crying. Her shirt was torn. Her face is red and puffy. She is playing with her hair. The sad part is she is still beautiful.


She looked up slowly "Jacob?" Her big brown eye watered alittle more.

I sat down by her a put my arm on her waist and scooted closer to her. She was still shaking.

"Are you cold love?" I said taking off my jacket and giving it to her. She was wearing some little ass short and a muscle like shirts.

"Yasmine wants wrong love? Why are you crying."

She shook her head and keep looking down.

"Yas look... I know something is wrong. Your face is red.. Who.. who hit you?" I asked

She looked me straight in my eyes and broke down crying

Do I need to beat somebody's ass? The anger built in me. Some body is beating on Yasmine. I can't let that happen.

Yasmine POV

When I saw Jacob standing there my heart speeded up. I just wanted him to hold me. I just need somebody to cry on. I needed Jacob. I dont have anybody else. I'm soooo glad he came. But when he asked me who hit me I just broke down. I was crying my eyes out. I need help. I couldn't tell the CPS people.

"Can I trust you?" I asked barley getting it out

"Yasmine if somebody is hurting you you need to tell me. I can fix the problem. I can beat they ass. I can call the poli-

"Jacob! I need to know if I can trust you?" I semi yelled

"Yes Yasmine, you can trust me."

"Can I tell you everything?"

"I want to know it all." Jacob said

"Man. I don't even know where to start." I sniffed

"From the beginning."

Jacob's face was so sincere and serious

Mrs Green is the main problem in my life

Like on time when I was around 5 or 6 she put a plastic bag over my head and gave me a whooping. When she was done she left it on for about 30 minutes. I could barely breathe. Why I got a whooped? I don't know, I didn't do anything.

Other time when I was about 8 Mrs Green had one of her man friend over. At the time I didn't know what they was doing, but once I got order I figured out they were having sex. He came over often. She let him beat the hell off of me every time he came over. I didn't even bother them.

When I was 10 I started my period. She didn't gave me pads or even tell me what I'm suppose to do. She locked to door to the bathroom. So I was just left there to bleed.I didn't know what was wrong with me. I thought I dying. I screamed and cried.

When I was probably around 12. Thats when she started to not feed me. She would lock me in my room for dinner time then when everybody else was done. She would come get me and eat in front of my face. It was cruel but all I could do was cry.

When I was 14 I started to wonder about a lot of thing. Like my whole name, Parents, Birthday, why I got to school by my self and why she hated me so much. The only reason I knew how old I was is because every year for school she told me. She said I wasn't important enough to have a birthday or a name. She told me my parents didn't love me and nobody will. In between that time I started to cut my self. I went to the hospital once for cutting to deep. that only made this worst. Then came Mariah.

She was like 1 when she came. Ever since then she changed me. Mrs Green stopped hitting me. but she did vertically abuse me. I think she stopped hitting me because Mariah was always around me. Its like I raise. I love that girl. I stopped cutting my self too. Recently Mrs.Green went back to her physical abuse.

I really hate that bitch.

After all that I didn't want to look Jacob in the face. He might not like me anymore.


Sorry about the mistakes. I didn't proof read this. Thank for patiently waiting. and others.. don't tell me to hurry up😒 That blows man.

But! Please comment!

What do you think Jacob going to say?

What do you think about Mrs Green?

This is only half of Yasmine's past tho👌


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