Chapter 6

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Yasmine POV

Geezzz I'm so tried! Me and Jacob FaceTime all night. And now it's Monday morning. I don't want to go to school. I put some clothes on a put my charger into my bag. I'm phone is on 5%. Me and Jake didn't really talked about anything personal. Just like little stuff that was funny. He is funny. Kept me laughing. I went downstairs to help the kids get ready for school. Like Always. Mariah was sitting at the table eating pancakes and bacon. I love bacon. I was going to steal one off her plate but that bitch is looking at me. She always looking at me. I hate it. So I just kiss Mariah and told her ill see her later after school. I glared at Mrs Green and walked out the front door.

I walked into the school and headed to my lonely ass classroom. I dropped my bag and plugged my charger into the back on the computer. I didn't even know my phone had died. I'm still hella sleepy so I put my head down and draft off to sleep.

Jacob POV.

"Jake.... Jacob! Wake up! Your going to be late!" My mom said shaking me

Man I'm going to be dragging today. I forgot I have school. Me and Yasmine talked all night. That girl is funny qwithout trying to be. She is also goofy. We are alike is many ways. I got dressed and walked in the kitchen. My mom already had breakfast ready.

"Son, you look tried! Like you got no kind of sleep last night." My mom said.

"Yes I was up all night.."

"Why?" My dad butted in.

"I was talking to Yasmine all night."

"Ohhh Yasmine huh? All night?" My mom cheesed.

"Did you forget you had school the next morning?" My dad spoke.

"I kind of did." I said eating my last piece of breakfast." Before they could say anything else I got up and out the door for school.

Yasmine POV.

I was sleeping so heavenly on my desk when I felt someone shake me. It took me a minute to actually wake up. I came face with that man. You know the one who always check on me during the day. I still don't know his name tho. After he stopped shaking me. He walked away. Then stopped at the door and turned around. He was about to say something but he just walked out the door. Weird. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. 11:23 damn I was sleep for half a day. I guess I have to do my work today. Suddenly my phone vibrated. Jacob texted me. Looks like he wanted to started a conversations. No work for me today.

Me and Jacob text for the rest of the day. I found out what school he goes to and he knows mine. The school day has ended and now I'm on my way home. A good thirty minutes has past. I reached home. I walked to the door to see Mrs Green seating behind her desk. That's odd. She never really seats behind he desk unless some one is coming to adopt.

"One of the little kids being adopted?" I asked

"No not used any of my children. You are!" She smiled

"Really!?" My smile was so big.

"Hell no bitch. Get to your room. I have guest coming and they don't need you to your bomb ass." She said

My heart dropped. How could she even do me like that. I walked away almost about to cry. Then I heard her laugh. Hurried to my room shut the door and broke down crying. She is such a bitch! No I'm not crying because she did this. It all the thing she has did to me. I held it all in.

10 min later I was kind of done crying. I heard a knock on my door. Hoping it wasn't Mrs Green. I open the door. Seeing Mariah standing there with a bag of hot Cheetos and to Gatorades.

"About time you open this door." She said and walked in. This girl is a mess. But she put a smile on my face.

"Brought you a gatorade!" She cheered and handed to me. I told her thank you.

"We have company down stairs." Mariah said and turnt her head to look at me.

"Yeah I know. I'm glad you came up here." I hugged her. She hugged back. Mann I love this girl.

"Yasmine... I don't ever wanted to leave you. I want to live with you forever." She took the words right out of my mouth. Every thing some come to adopted me and Mariah gets emotional. The reason she come up her is because she is so damn cute everybody wants her. The other kids are cute to be Mariah is adorable.


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