Chapter 13

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Yasmine POV.

After Jacob told me we was going to his house. I didn't say anything. It's like I kind of want to know where he lives. Also it's better than going back to that hell of a house hold. I'm excited to get away from that bitch too. The car grew silents. That's when Jacob turn on his radio. I didn't know who any of the artist were so I just sat quietly.

Jacob didn't live that far from me. I'll say 10 mins maybe 20 if I walked. His neighborhood was hella nice. We pull up to this big house. Guessing it's his house. He parked in the driveway, turned off his car and got out. I found too cute how he always wants to open doors for me. I followed him inside and almost died. His house is fucking huge! It didn't look that big from the outside. I stood amazed looking around like I never saw a nice home before. Which I really haven't. Snapping me out of my daze Jacob grabbed my hand and led me to the kitchen. Which was amazing also. I sat down at the end of the table. He sat on my right side round the corner of the table. He took out the food from the bag and sat it in front of me. He wastes no time eating his food. Awww he so cute when he eats. We made small talk as we ate. Until Mariah came up in the conversation. I forgot all about My little boo. I grabbed my new orange charger and plugged up my phone. Soon as my phone turnt on my phone rung. Who the hell is this?


"It's about time you answered this thaaanggg!" Mariah's voice spoke in my ear.

"Riahh! hey little one! wait who number is this?"

"Mrs Greens desk. I was banging on your door and you never answered so I decided to blow up your phone." She said simply

"What if my phone was still dead?"

"I had a feeling it was back on. but annyywwayyyss where you at? Are you coming back here?"

"No." Jacob said with his mouthful.

"I'm not sure Riah. but just get the key and go in there for the night if you like. Lock the door so Mrs Green doesn't know I'm not there." I said into the phone. Ughhh I hate to even say that bitch name.

"Ok I got to go I heard somebody coming. bye!" She said all in one breathe.

Jacob POV

Hearing Yasmine talk on the phone with Mariah I can tell she doesn't want to go back in that house. I don't blame her either. I don't want her to go back there.

She eats so damn slow, but it's cute. After she finish eating I told her to follow me to my room. My room is down stairs and my parents is up stairs. You know so I can have my privacy when I need it. I walked in my room and empty my pockets. I look back and Yasmine was standing at door.

"Yasmine you can come inside my room." She took a couple of steps in. I walked to her and stood in front of her. She looks mad tired. Like she havnt slept in days.

"You tired?" I said looking at her baggy eyes

"Yes" she said softly

"We'll get ya ass in my bed."

She didn't move fast enough. So I picked her up and placed her on my bed.

"Do you want some clothes to sleep in?" I said hovering over her

"Uhh yeah, but can I ... can I take a shower?" She said softly

"Of course. The towels are in the cabinet above the sink" I told her plugging my phone up to the charger

"Okay thank you" she said heading to my bathroom

Yasmine POV

I just can't wait to take a nice hot shower! My body is aching. I can barely walk. I took off my torn shirt and spandex shorts, shoes then socks.

This hot water running down my aching body full great. I was actually done showering like 10 minutes ago. now I'm just thinking.. thinking about everything. I kind of forgot I was in the shower.

Jacob POV.

I figured since Yasmine was taking a shower in my bathroom I'll take one in the guest bathroom. Returning back into my room. The water was still running. Damn I take long showers and she still in there. ohhh wait I forgot to give her some clothes. I went to my drawer and pulled out one of my basketball shirts and a v neck tshirt.
Without thinking about it I walked into the restroom.

When I saw Yasmine's half



I froze...

Her towel hung low on her backside right above her nice shaped ass.

Her damp hair over her left shoulder.

I couldn't really enjoy the sight I was seeing because she had a big purple ishh bruise on her back. She didn't tell me what happen today...


Heyyyy! Sorry I have been MIA. Senior deadlines for projects and stuff have been killing me.

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