Chapter 2

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Yasmine POV

I'm kind of excited about this. No I think I'm more excited than the kids. However I can't let it show. If I show it Mrs.Green will make sure I have a horrible time. She said I dont have to watch any of the kids that there were a lot of Chaperones. All I have to do is stay out of her way. I'm going to be chill AF these 4 days and 3 nights. This place is huge! We walked inside admiring the place. We soon arrived to our rooms. Ohhh goodie I'm roomed with Mrs. Green and some other lady. Yay! I hope you get my sarcasm. How am I supose to say out of her way if im staying in a room with her? Please answer that. Everybody put on bathing suits and headed to the inside pool. I put on a two piece swim suit. It was a plain black swim suit. It really didnt see my boobs or ass.

"You look like a whore Yasmine. This is a family place, put some clothes on." Mrs. Green said to me.  

"I thought only skinny girls can wear that." she then whispered                  

Damn. Thats a way you can bring a girls self eestem down. I when to my suitcase can pull out some shorts and a half short.

"She looks fine Carrie leave her alone." Some lady that was there with us said and smile at me.

I smiled weakly and look at Mrs.Green. She gave me a evil look. I walked away before she could say something else. I made sure I was stayed away from the group and swam on my own. I was kind of having fun. A good ol time swimming by myself in all. Until one of Mrs.Greens friends was looking around like she is messing someone. Mariah was in that group. I started to get worried. I swam over to her.

"Who are you looking for? Where's Mariah?"

"I don't know, she was just here!"

I hop right out the pool. How come she wasn't paying attention? That's was Chaperones is for. Damn lady. I walked out the pool area and into the main building. Left and right I looked. My heart was pounding. I was looking low because she is little. I obviously wasn't looking at where I was going. I turned the corner and fell on the ground. Really hard. I bump into someone. I looked up to see I bumped into a boy. He was on the ground to looking at me. He was looking at me in a weird way. Why the hell is he looking at me like that? I never seen this before.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I said

"It's ok. " he said softly and smiled

That smile. I couldn't help but to smile back at him. He stood up and help me up as well. The second our eyes made contact again it was locked. My stomach started getting butterflies. TF? I only get those when I'm nervous. Weird. I heard giggling and it reminded me of Mariah. I snap out of it.

"Sorry I have to find my...umm sister" I said quickly and walked fast as I could down the hall. What the hell was that? I never did that before. Hmm whatever. I walked down some stairs to the whole different area I never seen. It was a ice cream store booth. Pizza and other food. It was alot of little kids running around. How am I going to find her? I looked around, oh there is Mariah. She was sitting at a table eating ice cream with some lady I have never seen before.

"Mariah, I have been looking every where for you." I said in relief

"I know but I was tiirreeddd of swimming and I was hunggryyyyy!" She dragged out her words She likes to do that alot.

"Hi I'm Tish.. Taylor and I saw her looking at the ice cream. She was soo cute I just had to buy he one. She smiled

"Aww thats so sweet of you. I dont have any money with me to pay ypu back."

"Dont worried about" Tish smiled again. She looked kind of familiar. But I shook it off.

"Come on Mariah we have to go. Did you tell the nice lady thank you?"

"Thannkkkkk Yoouuuuu!" she drug out and smiled really big. I swear she is the cutest thing. We walked about from the Tish lady. Mariah wanted me to pick her up. So I put her on my back. She was still eating the ice cream. smacking all in my ear. And probably getting Ice Cream in my hair. I dropped Riah off to her room. Then went to mines. Since we came her on a friday around 6, the kids are to tired to eat. It was around 9 now. So they just went to sleep. Me on the other hand, have to room with the devil. I have to sleep with one eye open. I took my shower and went to bed.


 Sorry this chapter is short. if you dont know what great wolf lodge is.., 

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