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I'd not gotten a truly good nights sleep since I lost them. The simple fact of being alone in bed, any bed really, made sleep hard to come by. My body didn't know what to do with itself without Collin spooning me from behind, where I could then hook one of my feet around his ankle, then snuggle his arm up to my chest. I had tried lining pillows behind me, even tried a body pillow. No joy... and now? I have to deal with damn search lights flaring outside over the lake?! What the actual flying squirrel?!

My brow scrunched up in puzzlement as I realized that said flaring lights were not being accompanied by the sound of rotor blades. No helicopter then? Is some idiot throwing a party across the lake with those stupid premier lights businesses use to make sure you know they have some kind of whoopty-fing-doo thing going on? Nah... surly there would be at least a faint bit of music to be heard? Okay now that is just creepy, should I peek? The blinds are horizontal and slightly open. Maybe I should crawl over to the window and peek out from off to the side? I huddled in my blankets as I waffled a bit trying to decide if my big girl britches were up to the task.

I finally get brave enough to just do it. And once I do said peeking? I wished I hadn't. See, outside my window is the side of the house where part of the lake is. And hovering over that lake, is a freaking space ship! Where there is a damn walkway that sets down right on the daggum grass! And creeping across that walkway? There are a bunch of damn beefy looking lizard-men. The ones that are already on my property are slithering around sniffing all and sundry look to be collecting samples of any flora or fauna they come across that's bigger than a dandelion.

Well stone of a peach Lana, it's time to haul ass. But how and to where?! Trying to sneak out the front door is just stupid. And staying upstairs or hiding in a closet is moronic... Ah ha! I tip toe over to the bathroom's linen cabinet, and pull out the ammonia spray bottle I use to clean the toilet. If this thing can neutralize the smell of poo-water, surely it can cover up my own scent? Plan in place, I start to mist the air in the bathroom and bedroom. Realizing I was still in my my jammies, I yanked on my jeans over my sleep shorts and figured my soft cup camisole could work for a get-away top. I throw my well loved teal thumb-hole sweater on as well, and then mist myself from the neck down hoping the stuff wouldn't ruin my clothes, but figure hey... priorities right? After also hopping into my sneakers(thank god I wear socks to bed) I creep out of my bedroom, aggressively misting as I go down the stairs and then as I creep around  in a crouched down position, I mist the hell of the downstairs areas while backing myself into the pantry.

My aunt had for some reason, built a hidden cellar. The door to the hidden cellar had been behind a shelf wall in the pantry. I opened the door and slipped in while securing the door behind me. I was also glad I had just oiled the hinges as part of my move in cleaning a week ago. While going down the ladder I then slide the next sneaky feature across the opening to the ladder... A fake floor and back wall combo that was recessed and had a faux hidden closet with stuff on the shelf. Like a radio, a flashlight, and some canned goods. My aunt was seriously prepping for a siege or something. The room under the house was like a studio apartment. A futon, book shelves, table top griller heated with those camping sized propane tanks. All kinds of canned and jarred food items had been provided in overly generous amounts. There were crank lanterns and flashlights, and a functional old water pump. She even had a seriously deep hole dug for a potty with huge bags of kitty litter off to the side. Provided I was successful with the ammonia, what ever those things were after, I could have waited them out. They would have either just left, or moved on to another cabin(sorry neighbors!).

Two days... For two days, they crept around and inside my house hissing and clicking at each other. I could hear them tearing the place up. And yet I never heard a human voice, which means they either attacked people in their homes, or they simply never left mine. The sound of their voices stayed even for the first day, but near the end of the second... they began to get louder and seemed angrier. The tearing into of the house got louder and began to sound like they were tearing up the ceilings and walls. What the hell were they looking for?! My aunt? It couldn't be me... I'm a clean freak, so I know downstairs looked like no one was here. Heck, I even took the trash out before bed. Maybe my messed up bed sheets gave me away? Did I forget to mist something? I would never know, because the reason they found me? Was my own unexpected over sight.

You see, my damn cell phone holds a charge like a champ, and I wasn't using it for anything more than to see if by some miracle I actually got a damn signal with which to call for help. So I had turned off both the ringer, and the vibration. But, some freaking how, my preset calendar alarm for a damn dentist appointment I had forgotten I even had(hence the reminder set), went off as loud as a freaking smoke detector! The Lizard men wasted no time tearing straight down into the flooring. I was found and crowded into the farthest wall in moments. The lizard men got all hissy in my face with their nasty fangs dripping a ropy liquid onto themselves and the floor... ew. They then proceeded to collect every can and jar they could find. Then all but one troops out with their arms full, hissing to each other in a self satisfied way it seemed. The remaining Lizard man, he had spent the whole time with a clawed hand around my throat. Once the last thief hops up to the main level, he turns to me and gives the creepiest toothsome smile while pulling his free arm into view. He has a syringe filled with some green viscous looking goo. He jabs the thing directly into my heart, and presses the plunger. As the goo fills the chambers of my heart, I fight to breathe and not scream at the pain and pressure it creates.

The goo can be felt crawling through my veins, like it's some how changing my own blood to make more of itself to keep going. I close my eyes as I feel it flow up into my neck. Knowing I'm seconds from it reaching my brain, I wish I had the strength to open my eyes and say some kind of parting F-you statement to the Lizard man. But the nasty bugger doesn't speak English, what would be the point? Yet I still pry my eyes open and glare at it, stick my tongue out and blow as spitty a raspberry as I can right in its face. It splutters and wipes frantically at its muzzle-like mouth. HA! Take that you nasty reptile I say to myself, as I succumbed to the growing haze from the goo.

High Commander Diah's ResistanceWhere stories live. Discover now