Cats Making like Goats and Late Night Notes

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I was was about to get up and hope that my omelette had sufficiently buttered Diah up enough that he would help me contact Tav with little or no fuss, when I saw a glimmer of gold out of the corner of my eye. Snapping my attention in that direction I saw that it was indeed Goldest. Silly kitty was making like a damn mountain goat up the side of the cliff, using his wings the way a circus performer might use a beam on a tight rope. Walking delicately sideways and upwards I watched him mince his way steadily in my direction. Silly kitty he might be, but smart too, his little circus act wouldn't set off the proximity alarms. I glanced quickly inside to see that Diah's back was to me facing the wall as he cleaned the dishes from our breakfast. I stayed where I was, deciding that if I were to run to the railing, it might catch Diah's attention if he were to turn around. So, bad as I wanted to be closer to Goldest when he finally got to edge of the balcony, I had to wait till he actually got there. So, I sat there on the edge of the lounger, fingers clenched into it, eyes making like a ping pong match as I kept an eye on both Goldest and Diah's progress with their individual tasks. And just as Goldest made it to the side of the balcony, Diah finished the dishes and turned towards me. Alarmed, I stood and made to walk inside, intent on keeping him inside the home and away from Goldest. Diah on the other hand, simply caught my elbow and towed me back outside and to the front area of the balcony overlooking the ocean. Brow crinkling, I looked up at him and asked what we were looking for.

Diah glanced down at me and then back to the view before responding. "We need to discuss a message I received late last night. The Elders themselves got a message from an allied Aerie on another continent. They have heard of Tav's story... And of you. They are a much older Aerie. They follow a much older mating ritual. They feel that assigning you a mate was an insult to your bravery. That there should have been a Tournament for the right to be your mate. That male warriors from around the world should have come together for the honor. Our Elders tried explaining your situation to them, your status as a widow even. But being older and more prestigious gives the other Aerie the right to overrule ours in this matter." Diah stops speaking at this point to gauge my reaction to his news thus far. I am making an impression of a landed fish as you can imagine. I want to pass out really. I start to waver a bit, it kind of feels like I'm about to suffer heat exhaustion actually, only it's instantaneous. I hate feeling any kind of weak, it pisses me right the hell off. So with a shaking voice and uncontrollable angry tears rolling down my face unchallenged, I barely managed to squeak out my words as my throat began tightening up with my distress, "What the actual fuck?! I am not a damn trophy to be won! I won't just go with some rando-dude because he kicked the ass of every other unknown status chasing guy on the planet! What if he's abusive huh? I will execute a fool who thinks he can lay a hand on me. Nor I will just hop in to bed with someone because a bunch of crusty old buzzards say he won me like a damn carnival prize! I will cut the pecker off an idjit who thinks this honey pot is free for the taking because of some archaic flip flapping flyer 'mating' ritual that doesn't even apply to my species!" I am yelling at this point and doing bunny ears around the mating bit. Diah's eyes are freaking celestial bodies in his head at how badly I am losing my shit, and in any other situation I would find it amusing as hell. I have been doing my damnedest to watch my language after I had Cayla... even if I sounded ridiculous. Or like a twelve year old even. It didn't matter to me, so long as she understood that one didn't need to rely on base language to impart their thoughts, emotions, or concepts. It's wasn't always easy... thus often coming across as a grown ass woman sounding childish... but if could be fun at times, like when Cayla and I found a book devoted to antiquated swearing and insults. But out here in the Universe? It seemed pointless to drop an F-bomb, when no one else would understand that it was the mother of all swear words to start with.

My quickly devolving thoughts are blanketed unexpectedly, Calm yourself Tehlanna, you will harm yourself if you continue to be distressed. I realize then that I hear the dulcet mental soothing of Goldest in my head. It has an immediate effect on my psyche and physiology. I stop in place like a switch has been flipped, and all the tension in my body leaves so quickly Diah has to grab me to stop me from collapsing on to the deck in a jellied heap'o Lana. I'm so freaking relaxed I'm bowed backwards like a cringeworthy damsel in Diah's arms with a blissed out smile on my face. He has this eye brow raised alarmed look on his face, that lets me know he officially thinks I am cray-cray. I place my hand on my forehead and rub my tear soaked face for a moment before pulling myself together and standing. Have no clue what ju-ju Goldest just pulled on me, but damn do I want to bottle me up some of that! "I am sorry, that was rather undignified of me." I say calmly and step back from him. He reaches a hand out to me, like he's worried I'll drop again. I put my hands up, and turn to go sit on the nearest lounger. I sit and lean my elbows on my knees while covering my face with my hands. The calm Goldest has gifted me with is still in effect, so I have to roll with it and try to get Diah away from me so I can finish freaking out in private.

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